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[英]Differentiate between generic algorithm & traditional algorithm

I want difference points between generic algorithm and traditional algorithm .我想要通用算法和传统算法之间的差异点。 please need some points.请需要一些积分。

With a little research, i've found a lot of articles.通过一点研究,我发现了很多文章。 One of the key points is that:关键点之一是:

A standard genetic algorithm deals with a set (a population) of possible solutions (individuals) of a problem.标准遗传算法处理问题的可能解决方案(个体)的集合(群体)。 Each individual is a point in the search space, so we can think of the genetic algorithm as a multi-point optimization technique for multi-dimensional spaces.每个个体都是搜索空间中的一个点,因此我们可以将遗传算法视为多维空间的多点优化技术。 Usually, the size of the population is in the range from 20 to 200 or 300. The majority of traditional optimization methods explores 1, 2, or 3 points in the search space on each iteration.通常,种群的大小在 20 到 200 或 300 的范围内。大多数传统优化方法在每次迭代时探索搜索空间中的 1、2 或 3 个点。

Traditional methods require a starting point to begin the optimization.传统方法需要一个起点来开始优化。 Often the quality of the final solution is very dependent upon the position of this starting point in the search space.通常,最终解决方案的质量非常依赖于该起点在搜索空间中的位置。 The choice of a starting point plays a significant role in finding a good solution to the problem with a large number of local optima.起点的选择对于为具有大量局部最优值的问题找到好的解决方案起着重要作用。 Genetic algorithms, which offer many solutions and can search multiple points simultaneously, do not suffer as much from this drawback.提供许多解决方案并可以同时搜索多个点的遗传算法不会受到这个缺点的影响。

And also:并且:

Genetic algorithms use probabilistic transition rules, not deterministic rules遗传算法使用概率转移规则,而不是确定性规则

I suggest you to do some research, i've found plenty of articles.我建议你做一些研究,我找到了很多文章。

You can start with this article.你可以从这篇文章开始

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