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在 Java 中,如何确定线程是否正在运行?

[英]In Java, how do you determine if a thread is running?



You can use this method:您可以使用此方法:

boolean isAlive()

It returns true if the thread is still alive and false if the Thread is dead.如果线程还活着,则返回 true,如果线程已死,则返回 false。 This is not static.这不是静态的。 You need a reference to the object of the Thread class.您需要对 Thread 类的对象的引用。

One more tip: If you're checking it's status to make the main thread wait while the new thread is still running, you may use join() method.另一个提示:如果您正在检查它的状态以使主线程在新线程仍在运行时等待,则可以使用 join() 方法。 It is more handy.它更方便。

I think you can use GetState() ;我认为你可以使用GetState() It can return the exact state of a thread.它可以返回线程的确切状态。


To be precise,准确地说,

Thread.isAlive() returns true if the thread has been started (may not yet be running) but has not yet completed its run method.如果线程已启动(可能尚未运行)但尚未完成其 run 方法,则Thread.isAlive()返回 true。

Thread.getState() returns the exact state of the thread. Thread.getState()返回线程的确切状态。

Thread.State enum class and the new getState() API are provided for querying the execution state of a thread. Thread.State枚举类和新的getState() API 用于查询线程的执行状态。

A thread can be in only one state at a given point in time.一个线程在给定的时间点只能处于一种状态。 These states are virtual machine states which do not reflect any operating system thread states [ NEW, RUNNABLE, BLOCKED, WAITING, TIMED_WAITING, TERMINATED ].这些状态是虚拟机状态,不反映任何操作系统线程状态[ NEW, RUNNABLE, BLOCKED, WAITING, TIMED_WAITING, TERMINATED ]。

enum Thread.State extends Enum implements Serializable , Comparable enum Thread.State扩展了 Enum 实现了Serializable , Comparable

  • getState() jdk5 - public State getState() {...} « Returns the state of this thread. getState() jdk5 - public State getState() {...} «返回this线程的状态。 This method is designed for use in monitoring of the system state, not for synchronization control.此方法设计用于监视系统状态,而不是用于同步控制。

  • isAlive() - public final native boolean isAlive(); isAlive() - public final native boolean isAlive(); « Returns true if the thread upon which it is called is still alive, otherwise it returns false . «如果在调用它的线程还活着返回true,否则返回false。 A thread is alive if it has been started and has not yet died.如果线程已启动且尚未死亡,则该线程处于活动状态。

Sample Source Code's of classes java.lang.Thread and sun.misc.VM .java.lang.Threadsun.misc.VM示例源代码。

package java.lang;
public class Thread implements Runnable {
    public final native boolean isAlive();

    // Java thread status value zero corresponds to state "NEW" - 'not yet started'.
    private volatile int threadStatus = 0;

    public enum State {

    public State getState() {
        return sun.misc.VM.toThreadState(threadStatus);

package sun.misc;
public class VM {
    // ...
    public static Thread.State toThreadState(int threadStatus) {
        if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_RUNNABLE) != 0) {
            return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;
        } else if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER) != 0) {
            return Thread.State.BLOCKED;
        } else if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING_INDEFINITELY) != 0) {
            return Thread.State.WAITING;
        } else if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING_WITH_TIMEOUT) != 0) {
            return Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING;
        } else if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED) != 0) {
            return Thread.State.TERMINATED;
        } else if ((threadStatus & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_ALIVE) == 0) {
            return Thread.State.NEW;
        } else {
            return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;

Example with java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch to execute multiple threads parallel, After completing all threads main thread execute.示例java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch并行执行多个线程,完成所有线程后主线程执行。 (until parallel threads complete their task main thread will be blocked.) (直到并行线程完成它们的任务,主线程才会被阻塞。)

public class MainThread_Wait_TillWorkerThreadsComplete {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Main Thread Started...");
        // countDown() should be called 4 time to make count 0. So, that await() will release the blocking threads.
        int latchGroupCount = 4;
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(latchGroupCount);
        new Thread(new Task(2, latch), "T1").start();
        new Thread(new Task(7, latch), "T2").start();
        new Thread(new Task(5, latch), "T3").start();
        new Thread(new Task(4, latch), "T4").start();

        //latch.countDown(); // Decrements the count of the latch group.

        // await() method block until the current count reaches to zero
        latch.await(); // block until latchGroupCount is 0
        System.out.println("Main Thread completed.");
class Task extends Thread {
    CountDownLatch latch;
    int iterations = 10;
    public Task(int iterations, CountDownLatch latch) {
        this.iterations = iterations;
        this.latch = latch;
    public void run() {
        String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        System.out.println(threadName + " : Started Task...");
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
            System.out.println(threadName + " : "+ i);
        System.out.println(threadName + " : Completed Task");
        latch.countDown(); // Decrements the count of the latch,
    public void sleep(int sec) {
        try {
            Thread.sleep(1000 * sec);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

@See also @也可以看看

Have your thread notify some other thread when it's finished.让您的线程在完成时通知其他线程。 This way you'll always know exactly what's going on.这样,您将始终确切地知道发生了什么。

Thought to write a code to demonstrate the isAlive() , getState() methods, this example monitors a thread still it terminates(dies).想写一个代码来演示isAlive() , getState()方法,这个例子监视一个线程仍然终止(死亡)。

package Threads;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class ThreadRunning {

    static class MyRunnable implements Runnable {

        private void method1() {

            for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
                }catch(InterruptedException ex){}
            System.out.println("Existing Method1");

        private void method2() {

            for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
                }catch(InterruptedException ex){}
            System.out.println("Existing Method2");

        private void method3() {

            for(int i=0;i<1;i++){
                }catch(InterruptedException ex){}

            System.out.println("Existing Method3");

        public void run(){

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        MyRunnable runMe=new MyRunnable();

        Thread aThread=new Thread(runMe,"Thread A");




    public static void monitorThread(Thread monitorMe) {

           StackTraceElement[] threadStacktrace=monitorMe.getStackTrace();

           System.out.println(monitorMe.getName() +" is Alive and it's state ="+monitorMe.getState()+" ||  Execution is in method : ("+threadStacktrace[0].getClassName()+"::"+threadStacktrace[0].getMethodName()+") @line"+threadStacktrace[0].getLineNumber());  

           }catch(Exception ex){}
    /* since threadStacktrace may be empty upon reference since Thread A may be terminated after the monitorMe.getStackTrace(); call*/
        System.out.println(monitorMe.getName()+" is dead and its state ="+monitorMe.getState());


You can use: Thread.currentThread().isAlive();您可以使用: Thread.currentThread().isAlive(); . . Returns true if this thread is alive;如果此线程处于活动状态,则返回true false otherwise.否则为

使用Thread.currentThread().isAlive()查看线程是否处于活动状态[输出应该为 true] 这意味着线程仍在运行 run() 方法内的代码或使用Thread.currentThread.getState()方法获取线程的确切状态

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