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[英]How do I upgrade bootstrap in my mezzanine's project?

  • Environments 环境
    pc: mac os 10.13.1 pc:mac os 10.13.1

  • Versions 版本
    python: 3.6.2 的Python:3.6.2
    mezzanine: 4.3.1 夹层:4.3.1
    django: 1.11.16 django:1.11.16
    bootstrap: 3.3.5 (confirmed in /{my_name}/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mezzanine/core/static/css/bootstrap.css) 引导程序:3.3.5(在/{my_name}/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mezzanine/core/static/css/bootstrap.css中确认)

Here, my mezzanine project has base.html for site interface. 在这里,我的夹层项目具有用于站点界面的base.html。 There is the code to get the css-code(design). 有获取CSS代码(设计)的代码。 That is bootstrap.css. 那是bootstrap.css。

But the bootstrap.css relies to bootstrap3(3.3.5), and I have to use bootstrap4(4.0.0). 但是bootstrap.css依赖于bootstrap3(3.3.5),我必须使用bootstrap4(4.0.0)。 (This is my boss's order.) (这是我老板的命令。)

Then, I wanna get(download) bootstrap4, put it to right directory and change bootstrap dependency by linking to the directory which I put earlier. 然后,我要获取(下载)bootstrap4,将其放置在正确的目录中,并通过链接到我之前放置的目录来更改bootstrap依赖关系。

How should I achieve it? 我应该如何实现?

This might break your things all the classes which are obsoleted will not work in newer version to get prevent this refactor all view files . 这可能会破坏您的工作,所有已废弃的classes在较新的版本中将不起作用,以防止此重构所有视图文件。 Simple Solution is change the file in static/ and import the partials header or footer file linked 简单的解决方案是在static/更改文件,并导入链接的局部文件页眉或页脚文件

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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