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在EF Core 2.1中的DbContext上执行RAW SQL

[英]Execute RAW SQL on DbContext in EF Core 2.1

I have researched this and always found examples like this: 对此进行了研究,并始终找到如下示例:

var blogs = context.Blogs
    .FromSql("SELECT * FROM dbo.Blogs")

The problem is, I don't want to run my raw SQL on the Blogs table. 问题是,我不想在Blogs表上运行原始SQL。 Basically, I want to implement an interface like this: 基本上,我想实现这样的接口:

bool ExecuteNonSafeSql(
    string connectionString,
    string sql);

Is there a way to do that with DbContext? 有没有办法用DbContext做到这一点?

At the time of writing (EF Core 2.1), there is no way to execute arbitrary secuence returning SQL command. 在撰写本文时(EF Core 2.1),尚无办法执行返回 SQL命令的任意安全性

Only entity types and Query Types are supported via FromSql . 通过FromSql仅支持实体类型和查询类型

So the closest solution is to define query type (a class holding the query result) and use FromSql , but it's not generic - the query types must be registered in the DbContext via fluent API and the method should receive a generic argument specifying that type, eg 因此,最接近的解决方案是定义查询类型(一个保存查询结果的类)并使用FromSql ,但这不是通用的-查询类型必须通过fluent API在DbContext注册,并且该方法应接收一个通用的参数来指定该类型,例如

class ResultType
   // ...

then 然后


and finally 最后


Note that Database.ExecuteSqlCommand can execute arbitrary SQL, but can't be used to return sequence ( IEnumerable<T> , IQueryable<T> ). 请注意, Database.ExecuteSqlCommand可以执行任意SQL,但不能用于返回序列( IEnumerable<T>IQueryable<T> )。

You can use context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand() to execute sql. 您可以使用context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand()执行sql。

If you want to use SqlCommand you can get the connection by 如果要使用SqlCommand ,可以通过以下方式获取连接

var cnn = (SqlConnection) context.Database.GetDbConnection();
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn))
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult))

You can use Database.SqlQuery() directly to context. 您可以将Database.SqlQuery()直接用于上下文。

Here i create a generic function that can execute your query directly with target to Database rather than entity. 在这里,我创建了一个泛型函数,可以直接针对数据库而不是实体直接执行查询。

public static List<T> Execute<T>(MyDbContext context, string query) where T : class
    var result = context.Database

    return result;

You can use above function like 您可以使用上述功能,例如

var blogs = Execute<Blog>(context, "SELECT * FROM dbo.Blogs");

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