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使用char []属性创建对象的实例

[英]Creating an instance of an object with a char[] property

I have a class with an char[] property, but when I try to create an instance of it I get an error. 我有一个带有char []属性的类,但是当我尝试创建它的实例时,出现错误。 My code is this: 我的代码是这样的:

Class: 类:

public class Board
    private char[] priFC;

    public Board(char[] priFC){
        this.priFC = priFC;

Main: 主要:

Board Tab = new Board(char[10]);

I get an invalid expression term char at the creation of Tab 我在创建Tab时收到无效的表达式术语char

In Main, while creating instance of Tablero pass instance of char[] , instead of char[10] something like 在Main中,在创建Tablero实例时传递char[]实例,而不是char[10] ,例如

Tablero Tab = new Tablero(new []{'s','t','a','c','k','o','v','e','r','f','l','o','w'});

or 要么

Tablero Tab = new Tablero(new char[10]);

or 要么

char [] charInstance = new char[]{'s','t','a','c','k','o','v','e','r','f','l','o','w'};
Tablero Tab = new Tablero(charInstance);

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