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NoReadAccessException - 读访问从事件调度线程允许或内部只读行动

[英]NoReadAccessException - Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only

System/api Configuration 系统/ API配置

Android studio version : 2.2.3
Gradle version : 2.2.1
Java version : 1.8
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.3.1'

Exception 例外

18:26:43 NoReadAccessException
         Read access is allowed from event dispatch thread or inside read-action only (see com.intellij.openapi.application.Application.runReadAction())
         Details: Current thread: Thread[ApplicationImpl pooled thread 20,4,main] 700161407
         ; dispatch thread: false; isDispatchThread(): false
         SystemEventQueueThread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0 2.2#AI-145.3537739 Studio, eap:false, os:Windows 10 10.0, java-version:JetBrains s.r.o 1.8.0_76-release-b03,6,main] 1350276257

When i tried to run application, i got this issue, can anyone know what i do to resolve this issue. 当我试图运行应用程序时,我得到这个问题上,任何人都可以知道我做了什么来解决这个问题。

You can use: 您可以使用:

 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
      // your code here


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