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ssh-进入Google Cloud实例时可以模拟显示吗?

[英]Is it possible to simulate a display when ssh-ing into a google cloud instance?

Say I choose an ubuntu instance with google cloud and ssh into it through terminal. 假设我选择了一个带有Google Cloud的ubuntu实例,并通过终端ssh插入了它。 Is google simulating a display in the background or just giving me access to the virtual machine's terminal? Google是在后台模拟显示还是只是让我访问虚拟机的终端?

What would happen if i tried to take a screenshot through ssh? 如果我尝试通过ssh截屏会怎样? What about if i used something like pynput to move the mouse? 如果我使用了像pynput这样的鼠标来移动鼠标怎么办? Would these commands register like it does on my ordinary computer? 这些命令会像在普通计算机上一样注册吗? If I would like it to, what do i need to do? 如果我愿意,我该怎么办?

Im new to ssh and google cloud but for instance selenium , a browser simulator that can navigate webpages, requires additional software to work in ssh. 我不是ssh和google cloud的新手,但是例如selenium ,这是一个可以浏览网页的浏览器模拟器,需要其他软件才能在ssh中工作。

The default linux images provided by google do not offer a desktop by default, Screenshoting and mouse movement would not work. Google提供的默认Linux映像默认情况下不提供桌面,无法进行屏幕截图和鼠标移动。 However you can run headless tools likes Chrome's Puppeteer to render screenshots of webpages. 但是,您可以运行无头工具(例如Chrome的Puppeteer)来渲染网页的屏幕截图。

If you're willing to put in some time configuring the instances you can install desktops and remotely connect to them. 如果您愿意花一些时间配置实例,则可以安装桌面并远程连接它们。 For example a guide here . 例如这里指南 Do keep in mind if you run a desktop environment you'll likely need a larger instance than the tiny micro instances. 请记住,如果您运行的是台式机环境,则可能需要比微型微型实例更大的实例。

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