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[英]In Vue.js, how can I make sure a select element continuously has the first option selected as options are conditionally shown and hidden?

I have a select element in my Vue app that has options that are conditionally displayed or removed based on what other options the user has set in the app, like so: 我的Vue应用程序中有一个select元素,该元素具有根据用户在应用程序中设置的其他选项有条件显示或删除的选项,例如:

<select id='animal' v-model='values.animal.selected'>
    <option value='cat' v-if='legs == 4'>Cat</option>
    <option value='dog' v-if='legs == 4'>Dog</option>
    <option value='bird' v-if='legs == 2 && wings == 2'>Bird</option>
    <option value='snake' v-if='!legs'>Snake</option>

With this set up, the options appear and disappear appropriately as the user changes the amount of legs . 通过此设置,当用户更改legs数量时,选项会适当地显示和消失。 However, the selected option will often remain one of the hidden options, when it should change to one of the available options. 但是,当选定的选项应更改为可用选项之一时,通常仍将是隐藏的选项之一。 Is it possible to change the selected value of a select element when the options change, particularly to the first option? 选项更改时,尤其是第一个选项更改时,是否可以更改选择元素的所选值?

you need to check when the filter value changes and then update the selected value by the first value that matches with the filter condition. 您需要检查过滤器值何时更改,然后通过与过滤器条件匹配的第一个值来更新所选值。

try this code 试试这个代码

  <div id="app">
      filter options
    <input type="number" v-model="amountLegs"/>
    <select id="animal" v-model="selectedAnimal">
        v-for="(animal, index) in filteredArray"
        {{ animal.label }}
    <p>selected value: {{ selectedAnimal }}</p>


export default {
  name: 'app',
  data() {
    return {
      amountLegs: 0,
      selectedAnimal: 'snake',
      animals: [
          val: 'cat',
          label: 'Cat',
          legs: 4
          val: 'dog',
          label: 'Dog',
          legs: 4
          val: 'bird',
          label: 'Bird',
          legs: 2
          val: 'snake',
          label: 'Snake',
          legs: 0,
  computed: {
    filteredArray() {
      return this.animals.filter(x => x.legs === this.amountLegs);
  methods: {
    onChangeAmountLegs() {
      const selectedAnimal = this.animals.find(x => x.val === this.selectedAnimal);
      const legs = this.amountLegs;
      if (selectedAnimal) {
        if (selectedAnimal.legs !== legs) {
          const animal = this.animals.find(x => x.legs === legs);
          this.selectedAnimal = animal ? animal.val : null;
      } else {
        const animal = this.animals.find(x => x.legs === legs);
        this.selectedAnimal = animal ? animal.val : null;
  watch: {
    amountLegs(val) {
      if (val) {
        this.amountLegs = typeof val === 'string' ? parseInt(val) : val;

Excuse me, my English is bad, but I'll try to answer your question. 不好意思,我的英语不好,但是我会尽力回答你的问题。 1、v-if directive will destroy and render element, if condition is True, maybe you should check condition change. 1,v-if指令将销毁并渲染元素,如果条件为True,也许您应该检查条件变化。 2、I guess you want when option was destroy, the select value to bind the render option value, is it? 2,我想你想在销毁选项时,将选择值绑定到渲染选项值,是吗? About this,you should to learn HTML . 关于这一点,您应该学习HTML。 enter link description here 在此处输入链接说明

And use Vue watchers the condition,when condition change, contrast the select value in render options value, if False, change select value to the first option value. 并使用Vue监视程序的条件,当条件更改时,在渲染选项值中对比选择值,如果为False,则将选择值更改为第一个选项值。 3、value set in data, and use list will not complicated. 3,在数据中设定值,使用清单不会复杂。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

 const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { legs: 4, wings: 2, selected: 'cat', optionValueList:['cat','dog','bird','snake'] }, watch:{ legs(newVal){ if(newVal==4){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[0] }else if(newVal==2 && this.wings==2){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[2] } else if(newVal==0){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[3] } } } }) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <select id='animal' v-model='selected'> <option :value='optionValueList[0]' v-if='legs == 4' >Cat</option> <option :value='optionValueList[1]' v-if='legs == 4' >Dog</option> <option :value='optionValueList[2]' v-if='legs == 2 && wings == 2'>Bird</option> <option :value='optionValueList[3]' v-if='legs==0'>Snake</option> </select> {{selected}} <input type="number" v-model="legs"></input> </div> 

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