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[英]In Vue.js, how can I make sure a select element continuously has the first option selected as options are conditionally shown and hidden?


<select id='animal' v-model='values.animal.selected'>
    <option value='cat' v-if='legs == 4'>Cat</option>
    <option value='dog' v-if='legs == 4'>Dog</option>
    <option value='bird' v-if='legs == 2 && wings == 2'>Bird</option>
    <option value='snake' v-if='!legs'>Snake</option>

通過此設置,當用戶更改legs數量時,選項會適當地顯示和消失。 但是,當選定的選項應更改為可用選項之一時,通常仍將是隱藏的選項之一。 選項更改時,尤其是第一個選項更改時,是否可以更改選擇元素的所選值?



  <div id="app">
      filter options
    <input type="number" v-model="amountLegs"/>
    <select id="animal" v-model="selectedAnimal">
        v-for="(animal, index) in filteredArray"
        {{ animal.label }}
    <p>selected value: {{ selectedAnimal }}</p>


export default {
  name: 'app',
  data() {
    return {
      amountLegs: 0,
      selectedAnimal: 'snake',
      animals: [
          val: 'cat',
          label: 'Cat',
          legs: 4
          val: 'dog',
          label: 'Dog',
          legs: 4
          val: 'bird',
          label: 'Bird',
          legs: 2
          val: 'snake',
          label: 'Snake',
          legs: 0,
  computed: {
    filteredArray() {
      return this.animals.filter(x => x.legs === this.amountLegs);
  methods: {
    onChangeAmountLegs() {
      const selectedAnimal = this.animals.find(x => x.val === this.selectedAnimal);
      const legs = this.amountLegs;
      if (selectedAnimal) {
        if (selectedAnimal.legs !== legs) {
          const animal = this.animals.find(x => x.legs === legs);
          this.selectedAnimal = animal ? animal.val : null;
      } else {
        const animal = this.animals.find(x => x.legs === legs);
        this.selectedAnimal = animal ? animal.val : null;
  watch: {
    amountLegs(val) {
      if (val) {
        this.amountLegs = typeof val === 'string' ? parseInt(val) : val;

不好意思,我的英語不好,但是我會盡力回答你的問題。 1,v-if指令將銷毀並渲染元素,如果條件為True,也許您應該檢查條件變化。 2,我想你想在銷毀選項時,將選擇值綁定到渲染選項值,是嗎? 關於這一點,您應該學習HTML。 在此處輸入鏈接說明

並使用Vue監視程序的條件,當條件更改時,在渲染選項值中對比選擇值,如果為False,則將選擇值更改為第一個選項值。 3,在數據中設定值,使用清單不會復雜。


 const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { legs: 4, wings: 2, selected: 'cat', optionValueList:['cat','dog','bird','snake'] }, watch:{ legs(newVal){ if(newVal==4){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[0] }else if(newVal==2 && this.wings==2){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[2] } else if(newVal==0){ this.selected = this.optionValueList[3] } } } }) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <select id='animal' v-model='selected'> <option :value='optionValueList[0]' v-if='legs == 4' >Cat</option> <option :value='optionValueList[1]' v-if='legs == 4' >Dog</option> <option :value='optionValueList[2]' v-if='legs == 2 && wings == 2'>Bird</option> <option :value='optionValueList[3]' v-if='legs==0'>Snake</option> </select> {{selected}} <input type="number" v-model="legs"></input> </div> 


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