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[英]Access an attribute from a returned object in c#

Good Day. 美好的一天。 I am struggling with what I would assume would be a novice issue, I have an object being returned from a method in my data layer, but I want to be able to access say 我正在努力解决我认为是新手的问题,我在数据层的方法中返回了一个对象,但我希望能够访问说

RuleListCollection.ruleName RuleListCollection.ruleName

but I have the whole object sent back to me in the list, how can i access the attribute above. 但是我在列表中将整个对象发送回了我,我该如何访问上面的属性。 here is the code from the data layer where the object is returned 这是返回对象的数据层中的代码

        public List<TpRuleMapConfig>  GetTpRuleList()
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
        TpRuleMapConfig tpRuleMapConfig = new TpRuleMapConfig();
        List<TpRuleMapConfig> tpRuleList = new List<TpRuleMapConfig>();

            query.AppendLine("SELECT maestro.TPRuleMapConfig.LINK,maestro.TPRuleMapConfig.TPRULENAME,maestro.TPRuleMapConfig.SBSARULENAME,");
            query.AppendLine(" maestro.COUNTINGCONFIG.RULETYPE,maestro.TPRuleMapConfig.ISPREADVRULE FROM maestro.TPRuleMapConfig");
            query.AppendLine("INNER JOIN maestro.COUNTINGCONFIG on maestro.COUNTINGCONFIG.NAME=TPRuleMapConfig.SBSARULENAME;");

            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(this._connectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query.ToString()))
                    cmd.Connection = con;
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            tpRuleMapConfig.Link = reader["LINK"].ToString();
                            tpRuleMapConfig.TpRuleName = reader["TPRULENAME"].ToString();
                            tpRuleMapConfig.SbsaRuleName = reader["SBSARULENAME"].ToString();
                            tpRuleMapConfig.RuleType = Convert.ToInt32(reader["RULETYPE"]);
                            tpRuleMapConfig.IsPreadVised = reader["ISPREADVRULE"].GetBooleanValue();


        catch (Exception)


        return tpRuleList;

and here is where I want to access that value 这是我要获取该价值的地方

        DataLayer datalayer = new DataLayer(this._connectionString);
        cmbRuleType.DataSource = datalayer.GetTpRuleList().TpRuleName;

Your method returns a List of objects not a single object. 您的方法返回一个对象List ,而不是单个对象。 You can iterate over the list and read the RuleName of each object in the list. 您可以遍历列表并读取列表中每个对象的RuleName

var tpRuleList = datalayer.GetTpRuleList();
foreach (var tpRule in tpRuleList)
    var tpRuleName = tpRule.TpRuleName;
    // Do something with tpRuleName.

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