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[英]Add offset to all XML attributes

I've an XML-File 我有一个XML文件

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
        <Row />
            <Cell cellRow="0" cellColumn="0" Pos="693" />           
            <Cell cellRow="0" cellColumn="1" Pos="2693" />

, which contains different structures and attributes. ,其中包含不同的结构和属性。 Now I want to change the value of for example the attribute Pos by adding a certain offset, in this case 12. But I got an error. 现在,我想通过添加一定的偏移量(例如12)来更改属性Pos的值,但出现错误。

for currfile in allfiles:

    filepathstr = xmldir + "/" + currfile;    
    tree = xee.ElementTree(file=filepathstr)

    for tag in tree.findall('Page'):
        for tag2 in tag.findall('Row'):
            for tag3 in tag2.findall('Cell'):                              

                selectTag = tag3.attrib['Pos']
                newVal = int(selectTag)+12
                tag3.set('Pos', newVal)

expfilename = expdir + "/" + currfile


I get the following error 我收到以下错误

     <class 'xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree'>
    Traceback (most recent call last)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py in _escape_attrib(text)
   1079     try:
-> 1080         if "&" in text:
   1081             text = text.replace("&", "&amp;")

TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-b1ffea99d1f3> in <module>()
 67     expfilename = expdir + "/" + currfile
---> 69     tree.write(expfilename,encoding="ISO-8859-1")

Does anyone see the error? 有人看到错误了吗? Or are such tasks easier with XPath? 还是使用XPath更容易完成这些任务?

In ElementTree, attribute values must be strings explicitly, there is no automatic type conversion. 在ElementTree中,属性值必须是明确的字符串,没有自动类型转换。

If you want to store something else, like an int , you must do the conversion to string yourself. 如果要存储其他内容(例如int ,则必须进行转换以自己进行字符串化。 After all, when you read the attribute value, you got a string and did the conversion to int yourself as well. 毕竟,当您读取属性值时,您得到了一个字符串,并且也将自己转换为int

Using XPath will remove the need for nested loops. 使用XPath将消除对嵌套循环的需要。

for currfile in allfiles:
    tree = xee.ElementTree(os.path.join(xmldir, currfile))

    for cell in tree.findall('./Page/Row/Cell'):
        pos = int(cell.get('Pos'))
        cell.set('Pos', str(pos + 12))

    tree.write(os.path.join(expdir, currfile))

Also, unless there is a good reason, don't store XML files in legacy encondings like ISO-8859-1. 另外,除非有充分的理由,否则不要以ISO-8859-1之类的旧式格式存储XML文件。 Use Unicode encodings, like UTF-8. 使用Unicode编码,例如UTF-8。

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