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[英]How to configure kubectl in kubernetes cluster

I have provisioned a kuberenetes cluster using this saltstack repo: 我已经使用此saltstack存储库配置了kuberenetes集群:

https://github.com/valentin2105/Kubernetes-Saltstack https://github.com/valentin2105/Kubernetes-Saltstack

Now, I am not able to configure my kubectl CLI to access the cluster. 现在,我无法配置kubectl CLI来访问集群。 Is there a way to reset the credentials? 有没有办法重置凭据? Is there a way to get configure properly the .kube/config with the right context, user, credentials and cluster name retrieving the info from the servers? 有没有一种方法可以通过正确的上下文,用户,凭据和群集名称从服务器中检索信息来正确配置.kube / config?

I am new to kubernetes, so maybe I am missing something here. 我是kubernetes的新手,所以也许我在这里错过了一些东西。

To be able to set your cluster you can do as follow: 要设置集群,您可以执行以下操作:

kubectl config set-cluster k8s-cluster --server=${CLUSTER} [--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true] 
  • --server=${CLUSTER} where ${CLUSTER} is your cluster adress --server = $ {CLUSTER},其中$ {CLUSTER}是您的集群地址
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true is used if you are using http over https 如果在HTTP上使用HTTP,则使用--insecure-skip-tls-verify = true

Then you need to set your context ( depending on your kubernetes configuration 然后您需要设置上下文(取决于您的kubernetes配置

kubectl config set-context k8s-context --cluster=k8s-cluster --namespace=${NS}
  • --namespace=${NS} to specify the default namespace ( which skips the -n while typing kubectl commands for that namespace ) --namespace = $ {NS}以指定默认名称空间(在为该名称空间输入kubectl命令时跳过-n)

If you are using a RBAC, you might need to specify your user and pass your connection token or your login password: 如果使用的是RBAC,则可能需要指定用户并传递连接令牌或登录密码:

For this advanced usage you can see the docs https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/#kubectl-context-and-configuration 对于此高级用法,您可以参阅docs https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/#kubectl-context-and-configuration

Now and finally to use your context you only have to: 现在最后要使用您的上下文,您只需:

kubectl config use-context ${USER}

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