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[英]The right way to use Ajax to Update a Single field in a specific Object

Is it possible to use Ajax to Update a Single field in a Specific Object? 是否可以使用Ajax更新特定对象中的单个字段? I have an postgres table with lots of records, I want to use a jquery Ajax request to update a single field in a specific object within that table. 我有一个包含大量记录的postgres表,我想使用一个jQuery Ajax请求来更新该表中特定对象中的单个字段。 Can that be done without replacing or reposting the entire record?. 可以在不替换或重新发布整个记录的情况下完成此操作吗?

I want this (Gives me a 400 bad request error): 我想要这个(给我一个400错误的请求错误):

    type: "POST",
    url: '/api/MyEndPoint/',
    data: {
        id: Specific_Record,
        Field_To_Update: New_Value, 
    success: function(data){
        console.log( 'success, server says '+data);  

Instead of this (which works): 代替这个(有效):

    type: "POST",
    url: '/api/MyEndPoint/',
    data: {
        id: Specific_Record,
        Field_To_Update: New_Value, 
        Field1: SameAsBefore, 
        Field2: SameAsBefore,  
        Field3: SameAsBefore,  
        Field16: SameAsBefore, 
    success: function(data){
        console.log( 'success, server says '+data);  

*Note: I'm using Django, and could easily do this update in views.py but I want to use Javascript to avoid a page refresh. *注意:我使用的是Django,可以在views.py中轻松进行此更新,但是我想使用Javascript来避免页面刷新。

Since I'm also using Django Rest Framework, would it be better for me to create a new endpoint that is specific to the field I want to update? 由于我也在使用Django Rest Framework,因此创建一个特定于我要更新的字段的新端点会更好吗? ex: /api/DB_Table/Object_id/Field_to_Update 例如: /api/DB_Table/Object_id/Field_to_Update

Thanks! 谢谢!

Yes, you can do this using the PATCH HTTP method and it is called a partial update in REST terminology. 是的,您可以使用PATCH HTTP方法执行此操作,在REST术语中将其称为部分更新 It is already implemented by default in DRF so you don't have to override any method for that. 默认情况下,它已在DRF中实现,因此您不必重写任何方法。 This is opposed to PUT which is a full update and will require that you add all required fields to the request unless yuou override the default behavior 这与PUT是完全更新相反,PUT要求您将所有必填字段添加到请求中,除非yuou覆盖默认行为

I think you can in simplest form use the RetrieveUpdateAPIView generic view provided by Django RestFramework library 我认为您可以以最简单的形式使用Django RestFramework库提供的RetrieveUpdateAPIView通用视图

This will expose following apis : 这将公开以下api:

GET : Return object GETReturn对象

PATCH : Update the object data ( partially , as per convention) PATCHUpdate对象数据(按惯例partially Update

PUT : Update the object data PUTUpdate对象数据

Reference : https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/generic-views/#retrieveupdateapiview 参考: https : //www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/generic-views/#retrieveupdateapiview

If you also want to support deleting object, then you can use RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView , this will support DELETE to delete object 如果您还希望support deleting对象,则可以使用RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView ,这将支持DELETE删除对象

Reference : https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/generic-views/#retrieveupdatedestroyapiview 参考: https : //www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/generic-views/#retrieveupdatedestroyapiview

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