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[英]adding files to firebase storage in vue.js from forms

I am trying to add an image to firebase storage using vue.js 我正在尝试使用vue.js将图像添加到Firebase存储中
my code compiles how I am not obtaining any results data is added to firestore I would like to get the download URL as well any suggestions 我的代码编译了如何将我没有获得任何结果的数据添加到Firestore中,我想获得下载URL以及任何建议

 methods: {
    saveNewAticle() {
          title: this.title,
          summary: this.summary,
          article: this.article

        .then(docRef => {
          console.log("Client added: ", docRef.id);
        .catch(error => {
          console.error("Error adding employee: ", error);
       //links ref

      var storageref= storage.ref()
      var thumbnailref  = storageref.child ("images")
      var file = thumbnail  
      var uploadTask = storageRef.child('images/${file}').put(file)
       function(snapshot) {

                // /Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
          uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
            console.log('File available at', downloadURL);




In function uploadTask.on(eventName, firstObserver, secondObserver, thirdObserver) 在函数uploadTask.on(eventName, firstObserver, secondObserver, thirdObserver)

firstObserver is call every time state change 每次状态更改时都会调用firstObserver

secondObserver is error observer which is called on failure secondObserver是错误观察器​​,在失败时被调用

thirdObserver is called when uploading completed 上传完成thirdObserver调用thirdObserver

To get download url, you need to check in 3rd observer 要获取下载网址,您需要签入第3个观察者

      function() {},
      function() {},
      function(snapshot) {

               // /Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
         uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
           console.log('File available at', downloadURL);


In addition to ittus' answer, be aware that in your saveNewAticle() method you are calling two asynchronous operations (the add() and the put() ) without chaining them. 除了ittus的答案外,请注意,在saveNewAticle()方法中,您正在调用两个异步操作( add()put() ),而没有链接它们。

Since you navigate away from the current web page (with this.$router.push("/"); ) when the database write is done (ie when the promise returned by the add() method resolves), you may leave the page before the Firebase Storage put() method is done. 由于您完成数据库写操作后(即,当add()方法返回的promise解析后)离开了当前网页(使用this.$router.push("/"); ),因此您可以离开该页面完成Firebase Storage的put()方法之前

To avoid this behaviour, you should chain your the promises returned by these two methods. 为了避免这种行为,您应该将这两种方法返回的承诺链接在一起。 Since you are only interested by knowing when the upload is complete you can use the then() method as follows (instead of listening for events with on() ): 由于只对知道何时完成上传感兴趣,因此可以按以下方式使用then()方法(而不是使用on()监听事件):

      saveNewAticle() {

            title: this.title,
            summary: this.summary,
            article: this.article
        .then(docRef => {

            console.log("Client added: ", docRef.id);

            var storageref = storage.ref()
            var thumbnailref = storageref.child("images")
            var file = thumbnail
            var uploadTask = storageRef.child('images/${file}').put(file)

            return uploadTask;

        .then(uploadTaskSnapshot => {

            return uploadTaskSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();

        .then(downloadURL => {

            console.log('File available at', downloadURL);

        .catch(error => {
            console.error("Error adding employee: ", error);


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