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是否可以在堆栈上使用提供的Java Collections方法,例如max,min,sort,ect…?

[英]Is it possible to use the provided Java Collections methods, like max, min, sort, ect…, on a Stack?

I was working on a problem involving Stacks on HackerRank ( See Here ). 我正在处理一个涉及HackerRank上的堆栈的问题( 请参阅此处 )。 One of the parts of the question asked to provide the max value within the Stack. 问题的其中一部分要求在堆栈中提供最大值。 I thought an easy way to do this was to just write an extended Stack class with a max() method (see below). 我认为一种简单的方法是使用max()方法编写扩展的Stack类(请参见下文)。 That worked but I thought an even easier way might be to just take advantage of Java's Collections methods. 那行得通,但我认为一个更简单的方法可能是仅利用Java的Collections方法。 So I built the craftyMax() method (also seen below). 因此,我构建了craftyMax()方法(也见下文)。

class MyStack<T> extends Stack<T> {
    public T craftyMax() {
        return Collections.max(this);

    public T max() {
        Integer max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        for (T item: this) {
            max = Math.max((Integer)item, max);

        return (T) max;

Of course this did not work as the compiler replied with: 当然这不起作用,因为编译器回答:

Solution.java:6: error: no suitable method found for max(MyStack<T#1>)
        return Collections.max(this);
    method Collections.<T#2>max(Collection<? extends T#2>) is not applicable
      (inferred type does not conform to upper bound(s)
        inferred: T#1
        upper bound(s): Comparable<? super T#1>,Object)
    method Collections.<T#3>max(Collection<? extends T#3>,Comparator<? super T#3>) is not applicable
      (cannot infer type-variable(s) T#3
        (actual and formal argument lists differ in length))
  where T#1,T#2,T#3 are type-variables:
    T#1 extends Object declared in class MyStack
    T#2 extends Object,Comparable<? super T#2> declared in method <T#2>max(Collection<? extends T#2>)
    T#3 extends Object declared in method <T#3>max(Collection<? extends T#3>,Comparator<? super T#3>)
Note: Solution.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error

Since, I have tried a few different things and been looking around but I can't seem to find if what I am trying to do here is possible or not. 从那以后,我尝试了几种不同的方法并四处张望,但似乎找不到我在这里尝试做的事情是否可行。 So my question is: 所以我的问题是:

Is it possible to use the provided Java Collections methods, like max, min, sort, ect..., on / within a Stack? 是否可以在Stack上/之内使用提供的Java Collections方法,例如max,min,sort,ect ...? Or am I expecting a little too much? 还是我期望过高?

public static <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T max(Collection<? extends T> coll)

only works for Collection s whose element type implements the Comparable interface. 仅适用于其元素类型实现Comparable接口的Collection

Therefore, your code will work with the proper type bound: 因此,您的代码将与正确的类型绑定一起使用:

class MyStack<T extends Comparable<T>> extends Stack<T> {
    public T craftyMax() {
        return Collections.max(this);

I'm not sure about your second method ( max() ), though. 不过,我不确定您的第二个方法( max() )。 You are casting T to Integer . 您正在将T强制转换为Integer If you are certain T is an Integer , why not define MyStack as class MyStack extends Stack<Integer> ? 如果您确定T是一个Integer ,为什么不将MyStack定义为class MyStack extends Stack<Integer>呢?

You can only call Collections.max with a single argument on types that implement the Comparable interface. 您只能在实现Comparable接口的类型上使用单个参数调用Collections.max Change your type declaration to 将类型声明更改为

class MyStack<T extends Comparable<T>> extends Stack<T> {

and it should work. 它应该工作。 Or, as an alternative, you can take the two-argument max that takes a Comparator as the second argument. 或者,您也可以采用将Comparator作为第二个参数的两个参数的最大值。

you can override the comparator to match your functionality like below. 您可以覆盖比较器以匹配您的功能,如下所示。

if (!MyStack.isEmpty()) {
Integer max = Collections.min(MyStack, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
  return o2.compareTo(o1);

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