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[英]Using custom images for Tensorflow.js in node.js or browser

Tensorflow.js cnn example is nice and I decided to train with my custom character images (local images like this Tensorflow.js cnn示例很好,我决定使用我的自定义角色图像进行训练(像这样的本地图像 imgur . also available as browser img elements). 也可用作浏览器的img元素)。 However, I can't replicate the test because the examples' code uses preprocessed data images. 但是,我无法复制测试,因为示例代码使用预处理的数据图像。

I copied the example of here ( https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-examples/blob/master/mnist-node/README.md ) and added required node js packages. 我复制了此处的示例( https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-examples/blob/master/mnist-node/README.md ),并添加了必需的node js包。 The example ran successfully. 该示例成功运行。 But I realized that I can't change the data of the example is using because it loads preprocessed datas like below. 但是我意识到我无法更改示例所使用的数据,因为它会加载如下所示的预处理数据。

const BASE_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/cvdf-datasets/mnist/';
const TRAIN_IMAGES_FILE = 'train-images-idx3-ubyte';
const TRAIN_LABELS_FILE = 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte';
const TEST_IMAGES_FILE = 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte';
const TEST_LABELS_FILE = 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte';

I made images of same format with MNIST(28*28) so I thought I could just change train and test datas but failed because I don't know what idx3-ubyte format is. 我用MNIST(28 * 28)制作了相同格式的图像,所以我以为我可以更改训练和测试数据,但是失败了,因为我不知道idx3-ubyte格式是什么。 The data.js files' URL is here . data.js文件的URL在此处

How can I generate same ubyte files? 如何生成相同的ubyte文件? or How to use local images or img element directly? 或如何直接使用本地图像或img元素?

update I examined the data.js file's reading part and managed to generate same file format. 更新后,我检查了data.js文件的阅读部分,并设法生成了相同的文件格式。 It also has header values. 它还具有标头值。

 async function loadImages(filename) { const buffer = await fetchOnceAndSaveToDiskWithBuffer(filename); const headerBytes = IMAGE_HEADER_BYTES; const recordBytes = IMAGE_HEIGHT * IMAGE_WIDTH; const headerValues = loadHeaderValues(buffer, headerBytes); assert.equal(headerValues[0], IMAGE_HEADER_MAGIC_NUM); assert.equal(headerValues[2], IMAGE_HEIGHT); assert.equal(headerValues[3], IMAGE_WIDTH); const images = []; let index = headerBytes; while (index < buffer.byteLength) { const array = new Float32Array(recordBytes); for (let i = 0; i < recordBytes; i++) { // Normalize the pixel values into the 0-1 interval, from // the original 0-255 interval. array[i] = buffer.readUInt8(index++) / 255; } images.push(array); } assert.equal(images.length, headerValues[1]); return images; } async function loadLabels(filename) { const buffer = await fetchOnceAndSaveToDiskWithBuffer(filename); const headerBytes = LABEL_HEADER_BYTES; const recordBytes = LABEL_RECORD_BYTE; const headerValues = loadHeaderValues(buffer, headerBytes); assert.equal(headerValues[0], LABEL_HEADER_MAGIC_NUM); const labels = []; let index = headerBytes; while (index < buffer.byteLength) { const array = new Int32Array(recordBytes); for (let i = 0; i < recordBytes; i++) { array[i] = buffer.readUInt8(index++); } labels.push(array); } assert.equal(labels.length, headerValues[1]); return labels; } getData_(isTrainingData) { let imagesIndex; let labelsIndex; if (isTrainingData) { imagesIndex = 0; labelsIndex = 1; } else { imagesIndex = 2; labelsIndex = 3; } const size = this.dataset[imagesIndex].length; tf.util.assert( this.dataset[labelsIndex].length === size, `Mismatch in the number of images (${size}) and ` + `the number of labels (${this.dataset[labelsIndex].length})`); // Only create one big array to hold batch of images. const imagesShape = [size, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 1]; const images = new Float32Array(tf.util.sizeFromShape(imagesShape)); const labels = new Int32Array(tf.util.sizeFromShape([size, 1])); let imageOffset = 0; let labelOffset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) { images.set(this.dataset[imagesIndex][i], imageOffset); labels.set(this.dataset[labelsIndex][i], labelOffset); imageOffset += IMAGE_FLAT_SIZE; labelOffset += 1; } return { images: tf.tensor4d(images, imagesShape), labels: tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d(labels, 'int32'), LABEL_FLAT_SIZE).toFloat() }; } } 

Below is generator code. 下面是生成器代码。

 const {createCanvas, loadImage} = require('canvas'); const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs'); require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node'); const fs = require('fs'); const util = require('util'); // const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile); // const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); (async()=>{ const canvas = createCanvas(28,28); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); const ch1 = await loadImage('./u.png'); const ch2 = await loadImage('./q.png'); const ch3 = await loadImage('./r.png'); const ch4 = await loadImage('./c.png'); const ch5 = await loadImage('./z.png'); console.log(ch1); ctx.drawImage(ch1, 0, 0); const ch1Data = tf.fromPixels(canvas, 1); ctx.drawImage(ch2, 0, 0); const ch2Data = tf.fromPixels(canvas, 1); ctx.drawImage(ch3, 0, 0); const ch3Data = tf.fromPixels(canvas, 1); ctx.drawImage(ch4, 0, 0); const ch4Data = tf.fromPixels(canvas, 1); ctx.drawImage(ch5, 0, 0); const ch5Data = tf.fromPixels(canvas, 1); // console.log(await ch1Data.data()); const b1 = Buffer.from(await ch1Data.data()); const b2 = Buffer.from(await ch2Data.data()); const b3 = Buffer.from(await ch3Data.data()); const b4 = Buffer.from(await ch4Data.data()); const b5 = Buffer.from(await ch5Data.data()); const buffers = [b1,b2,b3,b4,b5]; const labels = [0,1,3,2,4,0,1,2,1,0,3,0,2,3,4,0,]; const Images = []; const size = labels.length; for(var i = 0; i < size;i++){ Images.push(buffers[labels[i]]); } const imageHeaderBytes = 16; const imageRecordBytes = 28 * 28; const labelHeaderBytes = 8; const labelRecordBytes = 1; let imageBuffer = Buffer.alloc(imageHeaderBytes + size * imageRecordBytes); let labelBuffer = Buffer.alloc(labelHeaderBytes + size * labelRecordBytes); const imageHeaderValues = [2051, size, 28, 28]; const labelHeaderValues = [2049, size]; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Header data is stored in-order (aka big-endian) imageBuffer.writeUInt32BE(imageHeaderValues[i], i * 4); } for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Header data is stored in-order (aka big-endian) labelBuffer.writeUInt32BE(labelHeaderValues[i], i * 4); } let imageindex = imageHeaderBytes; let labelindex = labelHeaderBytes; for(let i = 0; i < size; i++){ // imageBuffer = Buffer.concat([imageBuffer, Images[i]]); // labelBuffer= Buffer.concat([labelBuffer, Buffer.from([labels[i]])]); // labelBuffer= Buffer.concat([labelBuffer, Buffer.from([labels[i]])]); const image = Images[i]; let index = 0; while(index < image.byteLength){ imageBuffer.writeUInt8(image[index], imageindex); index++; imageindex++; } labelBuffer.writeUInt8(labels[i], labelindex++); } fs.writeFileSync('./testGeneratedImageBuffer', imageBuffer); fs.writeFileSync('./testGeneratedLabelBuffer', labelBuffer); })(); 

"ubyte" stands for "unsigned byte". “ ubyte”代表“无符号字节”。 It refers to an unsigned 8-bit integer. 它指的是无符号的8位整数。 Each of the two images -ubyte* files contains a series of unsigned 8-bit integers. 两个映像 -ubyte *文件中的每个文件都包含一系列无符号的8位整数。 Every integer is a pixel in an MNIST image and has a value >=0 and <=255. 每个整数都是MNIST图像中的一个像素,其值> = 0和<= 255。

That's how the images are represented at the pixel level. 这就是在像素级别上表示图像的方式。 Now let's take a look at the level of a whole image, consisting of 28 rows and 28 columns. 现在,让我们看一下由28行和28列组成的整个图像的级别。 It takes 28 * 28 = 784 such integers to represent an image. 需要28 * 28 = 784这样的整数来表示图像。 In the file, they are organized in a way such that the first 28 integers correspond to the first row, the next 28 integers correspond to the second row and so forth. 在文件中,它们的组织方式使得前28个整数对应于第一行,后28个整数对应于第二行,依此类推。

All the images in the dataset are represented this way and their integers are concatenated to form the content of an image -ubyte file. 数据集中的所有图像都以这种方式表示,并且它们的整数被连接起来以形成图像 -ubyte文件的内容。 Why are there two such files? 为什么会有两个这样的文件? This is because train-images-idx3-ubyte is the training dataset and t10k-images-idx3-ubyte is the test dataset. 这是因为train-images-idx3-ubyte是训练数据集,而t10k-images-idx3-ubyte是测试数据集。

The other two files ( labels -ubyte) are the labels for the MNIST images. 其他两个文件( 标签 -ubyte)是MNIST图像的标签。 Like the image -ubyte files, they contain uint8 (ie, unsigned 8-bit integers). 图像 -ubyte文件一样,它们包含uint8(即,无符号的8位整数)。 But instead of holding values fro 0-255, the label files have values >=0 and <=9, because there are only 10 image classes in the MNIST dataset. 但是标签文件的值不是> 0到255,而是具有> = 0和<= 9的值,因为MNIST数据集中只有10个图像类。

Hope this is clear. 希望这很清楚。

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