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[英]ajax response and html not working properly

Here I am trying to get result in jsp page using ajax but i am getting improper result. 在这里,我试图使用ajax在jsp页面中获得结果,但是却得到了不正确的结果。

Problem: My ajax response is displayed first instead of my table headings. 问题:首先显示我的ajax响应,而不显示表标题。 That means it should show table headings and then table content but not happening. 这意味着它应该显示表标题,然后显示表内容,但不会发生。

my jsp page displaying result 我的jsp页面显示结果

My Ajax code: 我的Ajax代码:

                var form = $(this);
                var post_url = form.attr('action');
                var post_data = form.serialize();

                    type: 'POST',
                    url: post_url,
                    data: post_data,
                    success: function(msg) {


                    error: function (error) {

Here is my html code: 这是我的html代码:

<div class="result" >


    <div id="LogsReceived">
            <th>Source Host</th>
            <th>Event Time</th>


Your HTML structure is invalid. 您的HTML结构无效。 You can't have a div as a direct child of table and as a parent of tr . 您不能将div作为table的直接子级和tr的父级。 What you're looking for there is thead or tbody , not div . 您要寻找的是theadtbody ,而不是div It's being corrected by the browser, relocating the div to before the table. 浏览器已对其进行了更正,将div重新定位到表的前面 (Because it's invalid, the browser can do anything it wants: Put the div before, put it after, treat it as though it were a tbody , ...) Putting a table in a p is similarly invalid. (由于无效,浏览器可以做任何想做的事情:将div放在前面,放在后面,然后当作tbody对待,...)将table放在p中同样无效。 You can see the rearrangement with the dev tools of your browser: Just right-click the table headers and choose "Inspect element" (or similar): 您可以使用浏览器的dev工具查看重新排列:只需右键单击表标题,然后选择“检查元素”(或类似内容):


I recommend reviewing the various rules for what elements can go where in the spec . 我建议您查看哪些元素可以去那里的各种规则规范

Probably, you want both thead and tbody : 可能,您既需要thead tbody

            <th>Source Host</th>
            <th>Event Time</th>
    <tbody id="LogsReceived">

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