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[英]Kotlin coroutine scope & job cancellation in non-lifecycle classes

How to use new Kotlin v1.3 coroutines in classes which do not have lifecycles, like repositories? 如何在没有生命周期的类(如存储库)中使用新的Kotlin v1.3协程? I have a class where I check if the cache is expired and then decide whether I fetch the data from the remote API or local database. 我有一个类,在其中检查缓存是否过期,然后决定是否从远程API或本地数据库中获取数据。 I need to start the launch and async from there. 我需要开始launch并从那里async But then how do I cancel the job? 但是,我该如何取消工作呢?

Example code: 示例代码:

class NotesRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
     private val cache: CacheDataSource,
     private val remote: RemoteDataSource
 ) : NotesRepository, CoroutineScope {

private val expirationInterval = 60 * 10 * 1000L /* 10 mins */
private val job = Job()
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
    get() = Dispatchers.IO + job

override fun getNotes(): LiveData<List<Note>> {
    if (isOnline() && isCacheExpired()) {
        remote.getNotes(object : GetNotesCallback {
            override fun onGetNotes(data: List<Note>?) {
                data?.let {
                    launch {
    return cache.getNotes()

override fun addNote(note: Note) {
    if (isOnline()) {
        remote.createNote(note, object : CreateNoteCallback {
            override fun onCreateNote(note: Note?) {
                note?.let { launch { cache.addNote(it) } }
    } else {
        launch { cache.addNote(note) }

override fun getSingleNote(id: Int): LiveData<Note> {
    if (isOnline()) {
        val liveData: MutableLiveData<Note> = MutableLiveData()
        remote.getNote(id, object : GetSingleNoteCallback {
            override fun onGetSingleNote(note: Note?) {
                note?.let {
                    liveData.value = it
        return liveData
    return cache.getSingleNote(id)

override fun editNote(note: Note) {
    if (isOnline()) {
        remote.updateNote(note, object : UpdateNoteCallback {
            override fun onUpdateNote(note: Note?) {
                note?.let { launch { cache.editNote(note) } }
    } else {

override fun delete(note: Note) {
    if (isOnline()) {
        remote.deleteNote(note.id!!, object : DeleteNoteCallback {
            override fun onDeleteNote(noteId: Int?) {
                noteId?.let { launch { cache.delete(note) } }
    } else {

private fun isCacheExpired(): Boolean {
    var delta = 0L
    runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) {
        val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
        val lastCacheTime = async { cache.getLastCacheTime() }
        delta = currentTime - lastCacheTime.await()
    Timber.d("delta: $delta")
    return delta > expirationInterval

private fun isOnline(): Boolean {
    val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime()
    try {
        val ipProcess = runtime.exec("/system/bin/ping -c 1")
        val exitValue = ipProcess.waitFor()
        return exitValue == 0
    } catch (e: IOException) {
    } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
    return false

} }

You can create some cancelation method in the repository and call it from class which has lifecycle (Activity, Presenter or ViewModel), for example: 您可以在存储库中创建一些取消方法,然后从具有生命周期的类(Activity,Presenter或ViewModel)中调用它,例如:

class NotesRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
     private val cache: CacheDataSource,
     private val remote: RemoteDataSource
) : NotesRepository, CoroutineScope {

    private val job = Job()
    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
        get() = Dispatchers.IO + job

    fun cancel() {



class SomePresenter(val repo: NotesRepository) {

    fun detachView() {

Or move launching coroutine to some class with lifecycle. 或将启动协同程序转移到具有生命周期的某个类。

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