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[英]How to define supported screen resolutions for an android game in unity?

我有一款像素艺术游戏,在参考分辨率480x800像素(使用像素完美的摄像头)上看起来不错,并且任何比该分辨率更大的分辨率都会有些模糊(我不知道这是一个问题还是它如何工作)虽然按比例放大),但对于低于像素的任何分辨率,看起来会变形的情况,是否可以防止具有较低分辨率手机的玩家从Google Play下载此游戏?

Instead of locking out users from playing your game I think a better approach would be to look at some other options first. 我认为最好的方法是先考虑其他一些选择,而不是让用户无法玩您的游戏。

You can set a reference resolution on the canvas in which your sprites reside, and set "UI scale mode" to "Constant pixel size" instead of "Scale with screen size" this way your sprites will always be in the resolution you want them to be, instead of getting stretched/compressed. 您可以在精灵所驻留的画布上设置参考分辨率,然后将“ UI缩放模式”设置为“恒定像素大小”,而不是“按屏幕大小缩放”,这样,您的精灵将始终处于所需的分辨率下是,而不是被拉伸/压缩。

Create multiple quality levels: By having your images in multiple resolutions you can choose which quality option should be used for which quality setting. 创建多个质量级别:通过使图像具有多种分辨率,您可以选择应为哪种质量设置使用哪种质量选项。

If you still insist on excluding devices from downloading you game that is also an option. 如果您仍然坚持要禁止设备下载游戏,这也是一种选择。 Google play store allows for you to exclude devices from downloading your application. Google Play商店可让您从下载应用程序中排除设备。 You can do this under the "Release management > Device catalog." 您可以在“发布管理>设备目录”下执行此操作。 tab on your google console. Google控制台上的标签。 For a more thorough explenation on this see the official documentation 有关此内容的更详尽说明,请参见官方文档

I know there is how, but I don't think this is the correct approach. 我知道有办法,但是我认为这不是正确的方法。 Come to think of it: you are deliberately excluding a portion of your audience from playing for simply not having a target resolution. 想一想:您故意将一部分观众排除在外 ,因为他们没有达到目标分辨率。

This is not how it's supposed to go. 这不是应该的方式。 Limitations should be about hardware (and even so, there are some workarounds). 限制应与硬件有关(即使如此,也有一些解决方法)。 I'd advise your to create different arts for each resolution you will provide support for, and then disclosing the fact that the art might be off in not supported resolutions somewhere in the game or the app page. 我建议您为要支持的每种分辨率创建不同的美术,然后在游戏或应用程序页面中的某个地方,以不受支持的分辨率公开美术。

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