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[英]How to write an XPath using AND Operator to add multiple spans in a single XPath?

The page contains a Product name-(3 OF 3) GOLDEN GLOW ( DELUXE ). 该页面包含一个产品名称-(3之3)GLOWEN GLOW(DELUXE)。 The product name has 6 different spans so we want to print the product name "GOLDEN GLOW ( DELUXE )", ie including the all the spans so I have tried to use the and multiple time inside the [] but it didn't work. 产品名称有6个不同的跨度,因此我们要打印产品名称“ GOLDEN GLOW(DELUXE)”,即包括所有跨度,因此我尝试在[]中使用和多次,但没有用。 Below is the XPath: 以下是XPath:

//*[@class='itemTitleCopy no-mobile' and contains(@class, 'no-mobile') and contains(@class, 'sizeDescriptionTitle no-mobile') contains(@class, 'no-mobile') ]

Below is the HTML code: 以下是HTML代码:

<span class="m-shopping-cart-item-header-number">
   <span id="itemNo-1" class="itemNo">3</span>
   <span id="totalItems-1" class="totalItems">3</span>
   <span class="itemTitleCopy no-mobile" id="itemTitleCopy-1">Golden Glow</span>
   <span class="no-mobile">(</span>
   <span class="sizeDescriptionTitle no-mobile" id="sizeDescriptionTitle-1">Deluxe</span>
   <span class="no-mobile">)</span>

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Code trials: 代码试用:

WebElement checkoutShippingProdName = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), 20).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//span[@class='m-shopping-cart-item-header-number']"))); 
String shipProdElementHtml = checkoutShippingProdName.getAttribute("innerHTML"); 
String[] shipProdElementHtmlHtmlSplit = shipProdElementHtml.split("span>"); 
String currentProd = shipProdElementHtmlHtmlSplit[shipProdElementHtmlHtmlSplit.length -1]; 
currentProd = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(StringUtils.trim(currentProd)); 
System.out.println("The Product Name is:" + currentProd);

should select all span nodes after span with class="totalItems" . 应该在span之后使用class="totalItems"选择所有span节点。 There might be different approaches of extracting required text content depends on Selenium binding. 取决于硒绑定,提取所需文本内容的方法可能有所不同。

This is Python code to get required output: 这是获取所需输出的Python代码:

text = " ".join([span.text for span in driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//span[@class="totalItems"]/following-sibling::span')])
#  'Golden Glow(Deluxe)'

As @Michael Kay has answered what you need is to use to or operator! 正如@Michael Kay回答的那样,您需要使用or运算符!

You can do this with the findElements Selenium. 您可以使用findElements Selenium进行此findElements

It should look something like this: 它看起来应该像这样:

driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[@class='itemTitleCopy no-mobile' or contains(@class, 'no-mobile') or contains(@class, 'sizeDescriptionTitle no-mobile')]"))

This returns a list of WebElements now you can iterate through them and join the text to create your desired string of "GOLDEN GLOW ( DELUXE )" . 这将返回WebElements列表,现在您可以遍历WebElements并加入文本以创建所需的字符串"GOLDEN GLOW ( DELUXE )"

All the credit is to @Michael Kay I just gave you the example... 所有的功劳都归功于@Michael Kay,我只是给您提供示例...

You seem to be confused about the meaning of and and or . 您似乎对andor的含义感到困惑。 The and operator within a predicate means that both conditions must be true: it's more restrictive, so in general less data will be selected. 谓词中的and运算符意味着两个条件都必须成立:它的限制性更强,因此通常选择的数据更少。 The or operator means either condition must be true: it's more liberal, so more data will be selected. or运算符表示任何一个条件都必须为真:它更宽松,因此将选择更多数据。

You seem to be thinking of "and" as meaning "union" - select X and (also select) Y. That's never its meaning in boolean logic. 您似乎在想“和”的意思是“联合”-选择X和(同时选择)Y。这在布尔逻辑中从来就没有意义。

Use this: 用这个:

//*[@class=('itemTitleCopy no-mobile','sizeDescriptionTitle no-mobile','no-mobile')]

Hope it will solve. 希望它能解决。

To extract the text Golden Glow ( Deluxe ) you can use the following Locator Strategy : 要提取文本Golden Glow(Deluxe),您可以使用以下定位策略

  • Using XPath : 使用XPath

     String myString = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@class='m-shopping-cart-item-header-number']")).getText(); String[] parts = myString.split("?<=)"); System.out.println(parts[1]); 

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