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[英]R setting a value based on another column by group

I have a data frame in R that looks like the one below. 我在R中有一个数据框,看起来像下面的数据框。 I want to create a new column called tfp level[1980] that takes the 1980 value of tfp level . 我想创建一个新的名为列tfp level[1980]它利用了1980年价值tfp level Taking into account a grouping by country. 考虑到按国家分组。

So eg Australia will take the value 0.796980202 for each year and Costa Rica 1.082085967 for each year. 因此,例如,澳大利亚每年将采用0.796980202,哥斯达黎加每年将采用1.082085967。

country     ISO year    tfp level    tfp level[1980]
Australia   AUS 1980    0.796980202 
Australia   AUS 1981    0.808527768 
Australia   AUS 1982    0.790943801 
Australia   AUS 1983    0.818122745 
Australia   AUS 1984    0.827925146     
Australia   AUS 1985    0.825170755 
Costa Rica  CRI 1980    1.082085967 
Costa Rica  CRI 1981    1.033975005 
Costa Rica  CRI 1982    0.934024811 
Costa Rica  CRI 1983    0.920588791

There must be a way to solve this neatly with dplyr, for instance using the group_by command, but I can't get to a good solution myself. 必须有一种方法可以使用dplyr巧妙地解决此问题,例如使用group_by命令,但是我自己却找不到一个好的解决方案。

Thanks. 谢谢。

After grouping by 'country', mutate to get the corresponding 'tfp.level' for 'year' value 1980 按“国家”分组后,进行mutate以获取“年”值1980的相应“ tfp.level”

df1 %>% 
  group_by(country) %>%
  mutate(tfllevel1980 = `tfp level`[year == 1980])
# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Groups:   country [2]
#   country    ISO    year `tfp level` tfllevel1980
#   <chr>      <chr> <int>       <dbl>        <dbl>
# 1 Australia  AUS    1980       0.797        0.797
# 2 Australia  AUS    1981       0.809        0.797
# 3 Australia  AUS    1982       0.791        0.797
# 4 Australia  AUS    1983       0.818        0.797
# 5 Australia  AUS    1984       0.828        0.797
# 6 Australia  AUS    1985       0.825        0.797
# 7 Costa Rica CRI    1980       1.08         1.08 
# 8 Costa Rica CRI    1981       1.03         1.08 
# 9 Costa Rica CRI    1982       0.934        1.08 
#10 Costa Rica CRI    1983       0.921        1.08 

Or using base R 或使用base R

df1$tfplevel1980 <- with(df1, ave(`tfp level` * (year == 1980), 
                 country, FUN = function(x) x[x!= 0]))

data 数据

df1 <- structure(list(country = c("Australia", "Australia", "Australia", 
"Australia", "Australia", "Australia", "Costa Rica", "Costa Rica", 
"Costa Rica", "Costa Rica"), ISO = c("AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUS", 
"AUS", "AUS", "CRI", "CRI", "CRI", "CRI"), year = c(1980L, 1981L, 
1982L, 1983L, 1984L, 1985L, 1980L, 1981L, 1982L, 1983L), 
`tfp level` = c(0.796980202, 
0.808527768, 0.790943801, 0.818122745, 0.827925146, 0.825170755, 
1.082085967, 1.033975005, 0.934024811, 0.920588791)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

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