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[英]How to Iterate on dataframe columns

I have a little problem with my code. 我的代码有一点问题。 I would like to create a "for" cycle all over dataframe columns. 我想在所有dataframe列上创建一个“ for”循环。 My solution has a static list, i tried to create a dynamic one putting "df_list_cols= df.shape[1]" but obviusly it cannot iterate on an Int object. 我的解决方案有一个静态列表,我试图创建一个动态列表,将“ df_list_cols = df.shape [1]”放进去,但是显然它不能在Int对象上进行迭代。 Any ideas to create a dynamic solution? 有什么想法可以创建动态解决方案吗?

My solution above, Thank you in advance! 我上面的解决方案,预先谢谢!

df_list = [0,1,2,3,4]
for i in df_list_cols:
    do stuff

Iterating columns 迭代列

You are close. 你近了 The way the in operator is defined for Pandas dataframes, iterating a pd.DataFrame object is equivalent to iterating over its columns: 为Pandas数据帧定义in运算符的方式,迭代pd.DataFrame对象等效于对其列进行迭代:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': [3, 4], 'C': [5, 6]})

for col in df:
# A
# B
# C

Applying functions to each column 将函数应用于每一列

In many cases, you may wish to use pd.DataFrame.apply to apply the same function to each column: 在许多情况下,您可能希望使用pd.DataFrame.apply将相同的函数应用于每一列:

df = df.apply(lambda x: x*2)

#    A  B   C
# 0  2  6  10
# 1  4  8  12

The equivalent if you have a different function for each column is pd.DataFrame.transform : 如果每列都有不同的功能,则pd.DataFrame.transformpd.DataFrame.transform

df = df.transform({'A': lambda x: x*2, 'B': lambda x: x*3, 'C': lambda x: x*4})

You can iterate over df.columns : 您可以遍历df.columns

df.columns gives you a list of the columns of the dataframe. df.columns为您提供数据df.columns的列的列表。

In [222]: df.columns.tolist()
Out[222]: ['A', 'B', 'C']

In [218]: for i in df.columns:
     ...:     print(i)
     ...:     ## do your stuff

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