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SQL-如何根据最大日期和GROUP BY获得结果

[英]SQL - How to get result based on MAX date and GROUP BY

I want to get a result for maximum created_at and for each application_id group. 我想获得最大的created_at和每个application_id组的结果。 Below are the data sample, 以下是数据示例,

application_id | checkpoint_id | created_at 
1              |  260          | 2018-12-28 11:54:52    
11             |  259          | 2018-12-24 18:16:30    
11             |  260          | 2018-12-26 17:48:58    
12             |  260          | 2018-12-26 17:48:58    
12             |  261          | 2018-12-26 18:00:00    

The result that I want is only for checkpoint_id = 260 . 我想要的结果仅适用于checkpoint_id = 260 For example, the result above that I want is application_id no. 例如,上面我想要的结果是application_id 1 & 11. 1&11。

The query that I tried, 我尝试过的查询

SELECT * FROM histories h 
WHERE `checkpoint_id` = 260
AND created_at = (
  SELECT MAX(`created_at`)
  FROM histories
  GROUP BY h.application_id, h.checkpoint_id

Result 结果

application_id | checkpoint_id | created_at 
1              |  260          | 2018-12-28 11:54:52      

I am expecting to get 2 rows for id no 1 and 11. Is there a way to do it. 我期望获得ID号为1和11的2行。有没有办法做到这一点。

Update on latest query 最新查询更新

Just to update on my latest query that I achieved to get the expected results. 只是为了更新我为获得预期结果而实现的最新查询。 The query is as below, 查询如下

    SELECT application_id, checkpoint_id, created_at 
    FROM histories 
    GROUP BY application_id, checkpoint_id
) AS h 
WHERE h.checkpoint_id = 260 AND h.created_at=(
    SELECT MAX(`created_at`) 
    FROM histories h2 
    WHERE h2.application_id=h.application_id    

Use a correlated subquery: 使用相关子查询:

FROM histories h 
WHERE h.checkpoint_id = 260 AND
      h.created_at = (SELECT MAX(h.created_at)
                      FROM histories h2
                      WHERE h2.application_id = h2.application_id AND
                            h2.checkpoint_id = h.checkpoint_id

Your version is just comparing each created_at to a created_at that is the maximum for any application/checkpoint combination. 您的版本只是将每个created_atcreated_at进行比较,后者是任何应用程序/检查点组合的最大值。 You want the one that is specifically for your combination. 您需要一个专门用于您的组合的产品。

My approach: 我的方法:

FROM histories h 
WHERE h.checkpoint_id = 260
order by h.created_at desc

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