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[英]Let's Encrypt SSL ( sailsjs framework )


There is a middleware that enables http->https redirect and also handles the ACME-validation requests from Let's Encrypt. 有一个中间件可以启用http-> https重定向,还可以处理来自Let's Encrypt的ACME验证请求。 As far as I can tell, it does not actually trigger the renewal, nor writes anything, but I believe that the ACME-scripts handle that as cron-jobs every 3 months or so, allowing you app to just validate automatically when they run. 据我所知,它实际上不会触发更新,也不会编写任何内容,但是我相信ACME脚本每3个月左右将其作为cron-jobs处理一次,从而使您的应用程序可以在运行时自动进行验证。 I haven't implemented this myself yet though. 我自己还没有实现。

I would also ask you to really consider using CloudFlare or some other SSL-termination service, as that also gives you a lot of other benefits like DDoS protection, some CDN-features etc. 我还请您考虑使用CloudFlare或其他一些SSL终止服务,因为这还为您带来了许多其他好处,例如DDoS保护,某些CDN功能等。

Docs: @sailshq/lifejacket 文件: @ sailshq / lifejacket

As has been mentioned, you should consider the best overall solution in terms of CloudFlare or SSL-offload via nginx etc. 如前所述,就CloudFlare或通过nginx等进行的SSL卸载而言,您应该考虑最好的整体解决方案。

However, you can use greenlock-express.js for this to achieve SSL with LetsEncrypt directly within the Sails node environment. 但是,您可以为此使用greenlock-express.jsSails节点环境中直接通过LetsEncrypt实现SSL。

The example below: 下面的例子:

  1. Configures an HTTP express app using greenlock on port 80 that handles the redirects to HTTPS and the LetsEncrypt business logic. 使用端口80上的greenlock配置HTTP Express应用程序,该应用程序处理到HTTPS和LetsEncrypt业务逻辑的重定向。
  2. Uses the greenlock SSL configuration to configure the primary Sails app as HTTPS on port 443. 使用greenlock SSL配置将主Sails应用配置为端口443上的HTTPS。

Sample configuration for config/local.js : config/local.js示例配置:

// returns an instance of greenlock.js with additional helper methods
var glx = require('greenlock-express').create({
  server: 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'
  , version: 'draft-11' // Let's Encrypt v2 (ACME v2)
  , telemetry: true
  , servername: 'domainname.com'
  , configDir: '/tmp/acme/'
  , email: 'myemail@somewhere.com'
  , agreeTos: true
  , communityMember: true
  , approveDomains: [ 'domainname.com', 'www.domainname.com' ]
  , debug: true

// handles acme-challenge and redirects to https
require('http').createServer(glx.middleware(require('redirect-https')())).listen(80, function () {
  console.log("Listening for ACME http-01 challenges on", this.address());

module.exports = {
  port: 443,
  ssl: true,
  http: {
    serverOptions: glx.httpsOptions,

Refer to the greenlock documentation for fine-tuning configuration detail, but the above gets an out-of-the-box LetsEncrypt working with Sails. 有关微调配置的详细信息,请参阅greenlock文档,但是上述内容使开箱即用的LetsEncrypt与Sails一起使用。

Note also, that you may wish to place this configuration in somewhere like config/env/production.js as appropriate. 还要注意,您可能希望将此配置适当地放在config/env/production.js类的地方。

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