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[英]C# how to create a generic type argument

I have existing test code which needs to be extended. 我有现有的测试代码,需要扩展。

I would like to keep this as generic as possible in order to reduce code duplication, here is a simplified snippet of the current code: 我想尽可能地保持通用,以减少代码重复,这是当前代码的简化片段:

    public class FilterValueOne { }

    public class TestClass
        public void FilterValueOne_TestMethod()

        private void ManipulateData(FilterValueOne filter)
            // Do some stuff with filter

        private FilterValueOne BuildFilter()
            var filter = new FilterValueOne();
            // Initialize filter data members here...
            return filter;

This works, but it is limited to the "FilterValueOne" type. 这可行,但仅限于“ FilterValueOne”类型。

I want to expand this and make it more generic by implementing a generic type argument. 我想扩展它,并通过实现泛型类型参数使其更通用。

The code snippet below is what I am after: 下面的代码片段是我想要的:

    // Enum will expand as the app grows
    public enum TypeEnum

    // More classes will be added as the app grows
    public class FilterValueOne { }
    public class FilterValueTwo { }
    public class FilterValueThree { }

    public class TestClassGeneric
        // _filter to be used as the generic type argument
        private object _filter;

        // Constructor
        public TestClassGeneric(TypeEnum val)
           switch (val)
               case TypeEnum.ValueOne:
                   _filter = GetTestObject<FilterValueOne>();
               case TypeEnum.ValueTwo:
                   _filter = GetTestObject<FilterValueTwo>();
               case TypeEnum.ValueThree:
                   _filter = GetTestObject<FilterValueThree>();
                   _filter = null;

        private T GetTestObject<T>()
          where T : class
           // Code simplified
           object returnValue = new object();
           return (T)returnValue;

        public void Generic_FilterValue_TestMethod()
            // Error: The type _filter could not be found. (However it exists)

        private void ManipulateData<T>(T filter)
            // Do some stuff with filter

        private T BuildFilter<T>()
         where T : class
            // I want filter to be dynamically assigned to whatever _filter was
            // assigned to in the constructor (FilterValueOne/Two/Three), instead 
            // of "FilterValueOne"

            var filter = typeof(T);

            // Initialize filter data members here...

            return filter;

I ultimately want to use "_filter" as a generic type argument in my test method, but I can't get it to work. 我最终希望在测试方法中使用“ _filter”作为泛型类型参数,但无法使其正常工作。 I receive an error stating that "_filter could not be found". 我收到一条错误消息,指出“找不到_filter”。

I have tried multiple ways of using typeof(_filter) etc. but no success. 我尝试了使用typeof(_filter)等的多种方法,但是没有成功。

I don't understand generics and its potential fully, I don't know if this is even possible or if I'm simply missing something. 我不完全了解泛型及其潜力,也不知道这是否有可能,或者我是否只是缺少一些东西。

The T in BuildFilter<T> is a type parameter. TBuildFilter<T>是一种类型的参数。 You are passing an instance of a type, in your case an instance of object (aka System.Object ) not a type. 您正在传递类型的实例,在这种情况下,您传递的是object (即System.Object )而不是类型的实例。

You simply cannot do that, hence the compiler error ( _filter is not a type; it's an instance and that's why the compiler can't find that "type"). 您根本无法做到这一点,因此会导致编译器错误( _filter 不是类型;它是一个实例,这就是为什么编译器找不到该“类型”的原因)。

What you want to do instead is instantiate a specific BuildFilter<FilterValueOne> , etc. and create tests that test each of these things. 相反,您要实例化一个特定的BuildFilter<FilterValueOne>等,并创建测试这些功能的测试。

For example 例如

public void Generic_FilterValueOne_TestMethod()
    ManipulateData(new BuildFilter<FilterValueOne>());

It looks like you're using MS Test; 看来您正在使用MS Test; AFAIK MS Test does not support generic tests, so you will have to create a test for each type you're interested in. AFAIK MS Test不支持通用测试,因此您必须为感兴趣的每种类型创建一个测试。

It's easier to use generic test class, but if you prefer to pass filter type through contructor or as a method parameter you can use Activator class. 使用通用测试类更容易,但是如果您希望通过构造器传递过滤器类型,或者将其用作方法参数,则可以使用Activator类。

public class TestClassGeneric<T> where T : new()
    public void Generic_FilterValue_TestMethod()
        var filter = new T();
        // ManipulateData(filter);

public class TestClassConstructorArg
    private readonly Type type;

    public TestClassConstructorArg(Type type)
        this.type = type;

    public void Generic_FilterValue_TestMethod()
        var filter = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        // var filter = Activator.CreateInstance(type, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, arguments...);
        // ManipulateData(filter);

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