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如何在 chrome 开发工具中使用监视表达式来监视角度组件中的变量(“this”对象的属性)?

[英]How to use watch expressions in chrome dev tools to watch variables in an angular component (properties of 'this' object)?

I am trying to debug a property which is in an Angular 6 component.我正在尝试调试 Angular 6 组件中的属性。 Naturally it is called in code trough this variable -> this.model .自然地,它在代码中通过this变量 -> this.model被调用。 I am debugging it at the moment and would like to add it as a watch expression in Chrome dev tools so I can see how it changes trough the execution of the code.我目前正在调试它,并希望将它添加为 Chrome 开发工具中的监视表达式,以便我可以通过代码的执行看到它是如何变化的。 I tried just adding this.model as a watch expression, however it returns undefined, as this refers to the window object, which doesn't have a model property, so I am getting undefined on my watch expression.我尝试仅将this.model添加为监视表达式,但它返回未定义,因为this指的是没有model属性的window对象,因此我的监视表达式undefined

What would be the proper way to watch this.model ?观看this.model的正确方法是this.model

since the code is transpiled to js while executing, the reference of this changes.由于代码在执行时被转译为 js,因此this的引用发生了变化。 You can watch the _this instead.您可以改为观看_this It will give you the instance of the component/service that you want to debug.它将为您提供要调试的组件/服务的实例。

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It logs all controller variables.它记录所有控制器变量。

There is one alternative but a little complex way also there by using a life cycle hook DoCheck .通过使用生命周期钩子DoCheck还有一种替代方法,但有点复杂。 It keeps invoking a custom change-detection function ngDoCheck() .它不断调用自定义更改检测函数ngDoCheck()

So, create this function in your component class and add console.log inside it.因此,在您的组件类中创建此函数并在其中添加console.log Eg:例如:

ngDoCheck() {

Finally, just add a breakpoint inside this function whenever you want to watch any variable as shown in this image .最后,只要您想查看此图像中显示的任何变量,只需在此函数中添加一个断点即可。

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