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[英]How does flatMap execute code synchronously?

I am using flatMap right now because it can process asynchronous code synchronously (as in one-by-one with values from previous result), but I do not know how it is doing this. 我现在正在使用flatMap因为它可以同步处理异步代码(如与先前结果中的值一一对应),但是我不知道它是如何做到的。 The documentation doesn't seem to explain that this behavior is part of the operator. 该文档似乎并未解释此行为是操作员的一部分。

On the RxJS doc flatMap is defined as: 在RxJS文档上, flatMap定义为:

Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in the output Observable. 将每个源值投影到一个Observable,将其合并到输出Observable中。

I need to process a combination of observable , promise , and synchronous code within my pipe. 我需要在管道中处理observablepromisesynchronous代码的组合。 Most of the time piped data depends on its predecessor: 大部分时间通过管道传输的数据取决于其前身:

  // asyncrhonously fetch data from server
  fetchDataAsync(credentials) // returns an Observable
  flatMap((data) => {
    // process the data with a promise
    return from(processDataAsync(data))
  flatMap((data) => {
    // sanitize the data with synchronous fn
    return of(sanitizeDataSync(data))
  flatMap((data) => {
    // store the data in local storage with a promise
    return from(storeDataAsync(data))

flatMap works, but I don't know how or why. flatMap有效,但是我不知道如何或为什么。 How I can find this behavior in other operators? 如何在其他运算符中找到这种行为?

Basically I want the benefit of observable streams that runs like your typical async function. 基本上,我希望可以像典型的异步函数一样运行的可观察流的好处。 What is the RX-way of doing this? RX-way做的RX-way是什么?

async function fn() {
  // asyncrhonously fetch data from server
  const fetched = await fetchDataAsync(credentials).toPromise()
  // process the data with a promise
  const processed = await processDataAsync(fetched)
  // sanitize the data with synchronous fn
  const santized = sanitizeDataSync(processed)
  // store the data in local storage with a promise
  return await storeDataAsync(santized)

The flatMap operator does not execute code sychronously: every time it receives an event of type Observable , it subscribes to it and emits its events in the same returning Observable . flatMap运算符不会同步执行代码:每次接收到类型为Observable的事件时,它都会订阅它并在返回的相同Observable发出其事件。 By the way it's been renamed to mergeMap in the most recent versions, which describes its behavior better. 顺便说一下,它在最新版本中已重命名为mergeMap ,从而更好地描述了其行为。

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