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dispatchEvent 如何同步执行 addEventListener 的处理程序?

[英]How does dispatchEvent execute addEventListener's handler synchronously?

 let section = document.querySelector('section'); function handler(e) { console.log(e.detail.color); } section.addEventListener('hello', handler); let event = new CustomEvent("hello", {detail: {color: "red"}}); if (section.dispatchEvent(event)) { console.log("true") } else { console.log("false"); }

In this example, I'm struggling to understand how handler is executed during the initial execution of the file - leading us to log red before true .在这个例子中,我正在努力理解在文件的初始执行期间handler是如何执行的 - 导致我们在true之前记录red I thought that handlers waited for the event somewhere, and when the event happened, they were put in the macro-task queue which means they'd only be put on the call-stack after the initial execution of the file.我认为处理程序在某处等待事件,当事件发生时,它们被放入宏任务队列,这意味着它们只会在文件初始执行后放入调用堆栈。

Am I safe to assume that dispatchEvent has a unique way of executing .addEventListener 's handler synchronously?我可以安全地假设dispatchEvent有一种独特的方式来同步执行.addEventListener的处理程序吗?

Or do I have a misunderstanding of the way the handler in .addEventListener executes?还是我对.addEventListener处理程序的执行方式有误解? I thought it executed asynchronously.我认为它是异步执行的。

I thought that handlers waited for the event somewhere我以为处理程序在某处等待事件

They do - but you just happened to fire the event immediately, so the handler is run immediately.他们这样做 - 但你碰巧立即触发事件,所以处理程序立即运行。

and when the event happened, they were put in the macro-task queue which means they'd only be put on the call-stack after the initial execution of the file.当事件发生时,它们被放入宏任务队列,这意味着它们只会在文件初始执行后被放入调用堆栈。

I don't know what "initial execution of the file" means.我不知道“文件的初始执行”是什么意思。 Handlers are run whenever an event is dispatched.每当调度事件时都会运行处理程序。

Am I safe to assume that dispatchEvent has a unique way of executing .addEventListener's handler synchronously我可以安全地假设 dispatchEvent 有一种独特的方式来同步执行 .addEventListener 的处理程序

No, nothing strange is happening here, this is all normal stuff.不,这里没有发生任何奇怪的事情,这都是正常的事情。

Or do I have a misunderstanding of the way the handler in .addEventListener executes?还是我对 .addEventListener 中处理程序的执行方式有误解? I thought it executed asynchronously.我认为它是异步执行的。

Handlers get executed synchronously.处理程序同步执行。 Whenever an event is dispatched, handlers are checked and any matching ones are executed synchronously in the order they have been added.每当调度事件时,都会检查处理程序,并按照添加顺序同步执行任何匹配的处理程序。

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