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如何用固定的嵌套因子解释permanova adonis的输出?

[英]How to interpret permanova adonis output with fixed nested factors?

I am not quite sure how to interpret ":" in adonis2 output (vegan package) when using both nested factors and interactions. 当同时使用嵌套因子和交互时,我不太确定如何在adonis2输出(纯素食包)中解释“:”。

For exemple, without nested factors : 例如,没有嵌套因素:

        adonis_data <- adonis2(Y ~ 
                       A*B*C , data=factors, 
                       permutations = 9999, method = "euclidean")


Interactions between factors are represented with ":" in the result output such as: 因子之间的相互作用在结果输出中用“:”表示,例如:

   Terms added sequentially (first to last)
        A       ***
        B       ***
        C       ***
        A:C     ***
        B:C     ***

However, when integrating a nested effect (either with ":" or "/") : 但是,在集成嵌套效果时(使用“:”或“ /”):

        adonis_data <- adonis2(Y ~ 
                       A:B*C , data=factors, 
                       permutations = 9999, method = "euclidean")


I have difficulty to interpret this output as I don't know how nested factors are showed here (with or without ":") 我很难解释此输出,因为我不知道这里如何显示嵌套因子(带或不带“:”)

   Terms added sequentially (first to last)
        A      ***
        C      ***
        A:B    ***
        A:C    ***
        A:C:B  ***

So here, I'm not quite sure if A:B is showing an effect of my nested factor rather than an interaction... 所以在这里,我不太确定A:B是否显示了嵌套因素的作用而不是相互作用的作用...

My last thought on the matter was that if nested factors are written as interactions in the output (eg A:B), we could differentiated both by the order of results considering that the terms are added sequentially. 我对此事的最后想法是,如果嵌套因子被写为输出中的交互(例如A:B),则考虑到这些术语是按顺序添加的,我们可以通过结果的顺序来区分两者。

So, if this is correct, that would mean that nested B should be between A and C and that A:B here is rather an interaction ? 因此,如果这是正确的话,那意味着嵌套的B应该在A和C之间,而A:B在这里是一个交互作用?

Is it correct to conclude here that the B effect within A on Y is different according to A value ? 在这里得出A对Y的B效应根据A值而不同的结论是否正确?

Does anyone can enlighten me ? 有人能启发我吗? Many thanks, Laura 非常感谢,劳拉

This is a general issue with R formula and in no way special to adonis or vegan . 这是R公式的一个普遍问题,绝不是adonis素食主义者所特有的问题。 Anyway, in default adonis2 (which currently is just adonis ), the tests are sequential, and this really means that previous terms will influence the results, but later (subsequent) terms have no effect. 无论如何,在默认的adonis2 (当前仅为adonis )中,测试是顺序的,这实际上意味着以前的术语会影响结果,但以后的(后续)术语将无效。 What the terms are, depends on the way you define your model, like you demonstrated in you question. 术语是什么,取决于您定义模型的方式,就像您在问题中所演示的那样。

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