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[英]Using jdb to step inside object construction during execution

I use jdb for my Java development. 我将jdb用于Java开发。 For my application I have two classes: WordUniverseTest and WordUniverse , and the main method is contained in WordUniverseTest . 对于我的应用程序,我有两个类: WordUniverseTestWordUniverse ,主要方法包含在WordUniverseTest When I execute WordUniverseTest inside of jdb , I construct a WordUniverse object called obj inside of the main method. 当我在jdb内部执行WordUniverseTest时,我在main方法内部构造了一个名为objWordUniverse对象。

But I do not know how to have jdb leave the WordUniverseTest class and step inside WordUniverse while obj is being constructed. 但我不知道如何有jdb离开WordUniverseTest内部类和步WordUniverse 同时 obj正在紧张施工。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢?

You can put a regular breakpoint there stop at and then when you are actually on the line (call list to verify), you can call step into . 你可以把经常有断点stop at ,然后当你实际上就行了(调用list来验证),你可以调用step into

As long as all your classes are known to jdb, it is going to work, I tested it. 只要jdb知道您所有的类,它就会起作用,我已经对其进行了测试。

I found the answer, and although Gergely Bacso didn't give the full answer, he did lead me to find the full answer. 我找到了答案,尽管Gergely Bacso没有给出完整的答案,但他的确带领我找到了完整的答案。

jdb uses a different procedure for stepping into methods versus stepping into constructors. 与进入构造器相比, jdb使用不同的过程进入方法。 To step into a method, you have to do what Gergely Basco said, which is set a breakpoint at where the method is called and then step into . 要进入方法,您必须执行Gergely Basco所说的,该方法在调用方法的位置设置一个断点,然后step into But for stepping into a constructor you must say stop in ClassName.<init> (with brackets). 但是要进入构造函数,您必须说stop in ClassName.<init> (带括号) stop in ClassName.<init> Saying that command will take you inside of the constructor. 说该命令会将您带入构造函数的内部。

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