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Using jdb to step inside object construction during execution

I use jdb for my Java development. For my application I have two classes: WordUniverseTest and WordUniverse , and the main method is contained in WordUniverseTest . When I execute WordUniverseTest inside of jdb , I construct a WordUniverse object called obj inside of the main method.

But I do not know how to have jdb leave the WordUniverseTest class and step inside WordUniverse while obj is being constructed. How do I do this?

You can put a regular breakpoint there stop at and then when you are actually on the line (call list to verify), you can call step into .

As long as all your classes are known to jdb, it is going to work, I tested it.

I found the answer, and although Gergely Bacso didn't give the full answer, he did lead me to find the full answer.

jdb uses a different procedure for stepping into methods versus stepping into constructors. To step into a method, you have to do what Gergely Basco said, which is set a breakpoint at where the method is called and then step into . But for stepping into a constructor you must say stop in ClassName.<init> (with brackets). Saying that command will take you inside of the constructor.

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