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[英]Converting from field: value format to CSV

I have a file in the following format (well, sort of): 我有一个以下格式的文件(嗯,有点):

foo: some foo value
bar: another value
baz: 123
foo: another foo value
bar: yet another value
baz: 345
foo: a third foo
bar: a fourth bar
baz: 111

and so on. 等等。 The key point here is that not all records have all fields present. 这里的重点是,并非所有记录都具有所有字段。

My question: What's a super-simple way to convert this data into CSV format? 我的问题:将数据转换为CSV格式的超级简单方法是什么? That is, in my example 那就是我的例子

some foo value,another value,123
another foo value,yet another value,345
a third foo,,
,a fourth bar,111

Of course you can write a awk (or perl, or Python) script for this, but I'm hoping there's something pre-existing, or some trick to make it a very short script. 当然,您可以为此编写awk(或perl或Python)脚本,但我希望预先存在一些东西,或者有一些技巧可以使它成为非常简短的脚本。

Note: I'm looking for something that's Unix-command-line-oriented of course. 注意:我正在寻找的东西当然是面向Unix命令行的。

Hi with the great Miller http://johnkerl.org/miller/doc , starting from 从伟大的Miller开始: http://johnkerl.org/miller/doc ,从

foo: some foo value
bar: another value
baz: 123

foo: another foo value
bar: yet another value
baz: 345

foo: a third foo

bar: a fourth bar
baz: 111

you can run 你可以跑

mlr --x2p --ips ": " --barred cat then unsparsify --fill-with "" inputFile

and have this pretty print output 并有漂亮的打印输出

| foo               | bar               | baz |
| some foo value    | another value     | 123 |
| another foo value | yet another value | 345 |
| a third foo       | -                 | -   |
| -                 | a fourth bar      | 111 |

If you want a CSV, run 如果要CSV,请运行

mlr --x2c --ips ": " cat then unsparsify --fill-with "" inputFile

and you will have 你将有

some foo value,another value,123
another foo value,yet another value,345
a third foo,,
,a fourth bar,111

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