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如何使用PowerShell将创建的证书添加到IIS https绑定

[英]How to add created certificate to an IIS https binding using PowerShell

I can create a self signed certificate with PowerShell: 我可以使用PowerShell创建自签名证书:

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate –DnsName www.test.com -CertStoreLocation “cert:\LocalMachine\My”

I also can create bindings for my site: 我还可以为我的网站创建绑定:

New-WebBinding -Name "Test" -IPAddress "*" -Protocol "https" -Port 443 -HostHeader www.test.com -SslFlags 1

However based on the documentation New-WebBinding has no parameter which accepts a certificate see: New-WebBinding documentation 但是,根据文档New-WebBinding没有可以接受证书的参数, 请参阅:New-WebBinding文档


How can I properly create the https binding which is using the created certificate? 如何正确使用创建的证书创建https绑定?

From this related question . 这个相关的问题 Replace with your IP address: 将127.0.0.1替换为您的IP地址:

Import-Module Webadministration
$IPAddress = '' #your IIS server IP address
New-WebBinding -Name "Default Web Site" -Protocol "https" -IPAddress $IPAddress -Port 443 -HostHeader "www.test.com"
$SSLCert = Get-ChildItem –Path "cert:\LocalMachine\My" | 
  Where-Object {$_.subject -like 'cn=www.test.com*'}
New-Item "IIS:SslBindings\$IPAddress!443" -value $SSLCert 

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