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[英]Export certificate from IIS using PowerShell

如何使用PowerShell从IIS 7导出自签名证书?

dir cert:\localmachine\my | Where-Object { $_.hasPrivateKey } |   Foreach-Object { [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes("c:\$($_.Subject).pfx",     ($_.Export('PFX', 'secret')) ) }

Source: Exporting Certificate With Private Key 来源: 使用私钥导出证书

This will export all of your certificates into C:\\ . 这会将所有证书导出到C:\\

You can check what certificates you have by running: 您可以通过运行来检查您拥有的证书:

dir cert:\localmachine\my

Worth noting that when I tried to export my root certificates, I had to use Thumbprint as the filename, not Subject, due to invalid foreign-language characters in the unicode. 值得注意的是,当我尝试导出我的根证书时,由于unicode中的外语字符无效,我不得不使用Thumbprint作为文件名而不是Subject。 This works: 这有效:

dir cert:\localmachine\root |
Foreach-Object { [system.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes("c:\temp\$($_.Thumbprint).cer",     ($_.Export('CERT', 'secret')) ) }

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