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[英]How to print specific rows of arrays using Bash?

I currently am working with a matrix in bash. 我目前正在使用bash中的矩阵。 I have, say, a 2x4 matrix inside a file: 我在文件中有一个2x4矩阵:

1    2    3    4
5    6    7    8

I have read from this file, and have stored all of these elements inside an array, such as: 我已从该文件中读取数据,并将所有这些元素存储在一个数组中,例如:

my_arr={1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}

Next, I piped my echo output so that the spaces change to tabs: 接下来,通过管道传输回显输出,以便将空格更改为制表符:

echo ${my_arr[@]} | tr ' ' '\t'
my_arr={1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8}

My question now is, I want to have a NEW-LINE after every four elements printed; 现在我的问题是,我希望每打印四个元素后就有一个NEW-LINE; in other words, is it possible for me to print out the array line-by-line, or row-by-row? 换句话说,我是否可以逐行或逐行打印数组?

EDIT Here is what I have in my actual code: 编辑这是我实际代码中的内容:

cols #This contains number of columns

while read line1 <&3
    for i in $line1
done 3<$2

#Now, array has all the desired values. I need to print them out.

Here is what is the desired output: 这是所需的输出:

1    2    3    4
5    6    7    8

Here is what is inside my array: 这是我数组中的内容:

(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

Try this: 尝试这个:

printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' "${my_arr[@]}"

The format string has four field specifiers (all %s -- just plain strings) separated by \\t (tab) and ending with \\n (newline), it'll print the array elements four at a time in that format. 格式字符串有四个用\\t (制表符)分隔并以\\n (换行符)结尾的字段说明符(所有%s只是纯字符串),它将以该格式一次打印四个数组元素。

One possible (ugly) solution would be to store the size of the matrix in separate variables rows and cols . 一种可能的(丑陋的)解决方案是将矩阵的大小存储在单独的变量rowscols Please try the following: 请尝试以下操作:

set -f                      # prevent pathname expansion
while read line1 <&3; do
    vec=($line1)            # split into elements
    cols=${#vec[@]}         # count of elements
    rows=$((++rows))        # increment #rows
done 3<"$2"

# echo $rows $cols          # will be: 2 and 4

ifs_back="$IFS"             # back up IFS
IFS=$'\t'                   # set IFS to TAB
for ((i=0; i<rows; i++)); do
    j=$((i * cols))
    echo "${array[*]:$j:$cols}"
IFS="$ifs_back"             # restore IFS

The output: 输出:

1       2       3       4
5       6       7       8

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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