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分别对数组的奇数和偶数索引求和 - Perl

[英]Sum the odd and even indices of an array separately - Perl

I have an array of 11 elements. 我有一个由11个元素组成的数组。 Where I want to sum the odd elements including the first and last elements as one scalar and the evens as another. 我想把奇数元素加在一起,包括第一个和最后一个元素作为一个标量,而另一个元素作为另一个元素。

This is my code I am trying to use map adding 2 to each index to achieve the result but I think I have got it wrong. 这是我的代码我试图使用map为每个索引添加2来实现结果,但我想我错了。

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

print 'Enter the 11 digiet serial number: ';
chomp( my @barcode = //, <STDIN> );

my @sum1 = map { 2 + $_ } $barcode[1] .. $barcode[11];
my $sum1 = sum Dumper( \@sum1 );

# sum2 = l2 + l4 + l6 + r8 + r10;
printf "{$sum1}";

What is a good way to achieve this? 实现这一目标的好方法是什么?

Sum of even/odd indicies (what you asked for, but not what you want [1] ): 偶数/奇数指数的总和(你要求的,但不是你想要的[1] ):

use List::Util qw( sum );   # Or: sub sum { my $acc; $acc += $_ for @_; $acc }

my $sum_of_even_idxs = sum grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } 0..$#nums;
my $sum_of_odd_idxs  = sum grep { $_ % 2 == 1 } 0..$#nums;

Sum of even/odd values (what you also asked for, but not what you want [1] ): 偶数/奇数值的总和(你也要求的,但不是你想要的[1] ):

use List::Util qw( sum );   # Or: sub sum { my $acc; $acc += $_ for @_; $acc }

my $sum_of_even_vals = sum grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } @nums;
my $sum_of_odd_vals  = sum grep { $_ % 2 == 1 } @nums;

Sum of values at even/odd indexes (what you appear to want): 偶数/奇数索引的值之和(您看起来想要的):

use List::Util qw( sum );   # Or: sub sum { my $acc; $acc += $_ for @_; $acc }

my $sum_of_vals_at_even_idxs = sum @nums[ grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } 0..$#nums ];
my $sum_of_vals_at_odd_idxs  = sum @nums[ grep { $_ % 2 == 1 } 0..$#nums ];

Given that you know how many elements you have, you could use the following: 鉴于您知道您拥有多少元素,您可以使用以下内容:

use List::Util qw( sum );   # Or: sub sum { my $acc; $acc += $_ for @_; $acc }

my $sum_of_vals_at_even_idxs = sum @nums[0,2,4,6,8,10];
my $sum_of_vals_at_odd_idxs  = sum @nums[1,3,5,7,9];

  1. I included these in case someone needing these lands on this Q&A. 我把这些包括在内,以防有人在这个Q&A上需要这些土地。

Add up values at odd and at even indices 在奇数和偶数索引处添加值

perl -wE'@ary = 1..6;  
    for (0..$#ary) { $_ & 1 ? $odds += $ary[$_] : $evens += $ary[$_] }; 
    say "odds: $odds, evens: $evens"

Note for tests: with even indices (0,2,4) we have (odd!) values (1,3,5), in this ( 1..6 ) example 测试注意事项:偶数索引(0,2,4)我们有(奇数!)值(1,3,5),在这个( 1..6 )示例中

You can use the fact that the ?: operator is assignable 您可以使用?:运算符可分配的事实

print 'Enter the 11 digiet serial number: ';
chomp( my @barcode = //, <STDIN> );

my $odd = 0;
my $even = 0;
for (my $index = 0; $index < @barcode; $index++) {
    ($index % 2 ? $even : $odd) += $barcode[$index];

This works by indexing over @barcode and taking the mod 2 of the index, ie dividing the index by 2 and taking the remainder, and if the remainder is 1 adding that element of @barcode to $even otherwise to $odd . 这可以通过索引@barcode并获取索引的mod 2, @barcode索引除以2并取余数,如果余数为1 @barcode元素添加到$even否则为$odd

That looks strange until you remember that arrays are 0 based so your first number of the barcode is stored in $barcode[0] which is an even index. 这看起来很奇怪,直到你记得数组为0,所以你的第一个条形码存储在$barcode[0] ,这是一个偶数索引。

chomp( my @barcode = //, <STDIN> ); presumably was supposed to have a split before the // ? 大概应该在//之前split

@barcode will have all the characters in the line read, including the newline. @barcode将读取行中的所有字符,包括换行符。 The chomp will change the final element from a newline to an empty string. chomp会将最后一个元素从换行符更改为空字符串。

Better to chomp first so you just have your digits in the array: 最好先咬一下,这样你就可以在阵列中找到你的数字了:

chomp(my $barcode = <STDIN>);
my @barcode = split //, $barcode;

Another Perl, if the string is of length 11 and contains only digits 另一个Perl,如果字符串长度为11且仅包含数字

$ perl -le ' $_="12345678911"; s/(.)(.)|(.)$/$odd+=$1+$3;$even+=$2/ge; print "odd=$odd; even=$even" '
odd=26; even=21


with different input 不同的输入

$ perl -le ' $_="12121212121"; s/(.)(.)|(.)$/$odd+=$1+$3;$even+=$2/ge; print "odd=$odd; even=$even" '
odd=6; even=10


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