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[英]Why can't I call a method from another class in this loop?

I'm trying to make a filter in the Catalogue class that will later print out 'parts' that have a price greater than the minimum price that the user has entered.我正在尝试在 Catalog 类中创建一个过滤器,稍后将打印出价格高于用户输入的最低价格的“零件”。 However I am not able to call getNumPrice() (which is in the Part class) from the Catalogue class and I am not sure why?但是,我无法从 Catalog 类调用 getNumPrice()(在 Part 类中),我不确定为什么? How can I fix this and what am I doing wrong?我该如何解决这个问题,我做错了什么?

   //The following is in the Part class

 public double getNumPrice(){
        return this.price;

//The following is in the Catalogue class

 private double readMinPrice(){
        System.out.println("Enter minimum price ('-1' for no filtering): ");
        return In.nextDouble();

 private void filter(){
        String type =readTypeFilter();
        double minPrice = readMinPrice();

       if ( type== "all" && minPrice==-1)
        else if (type=="all" && minPrice >= 0)

            for(int i=0; i<= parts.size();i++)
                if (part.getNumPrice() >= minPrice)
                    System.out.println( i+1 + "." +  parts.get(i));

You have a parts collection and you are calling part.getNumPrice() in your loop.您有一个parts集合,并且正在循环中调用part.getNumPrice()

I don't see either declared in your code but I'm assuming parts is a field and you are trying to do something like parts.get(i).getNumPrice() in the loop.我在您的代码中没有看到任何声明,但我假设parts是一个字段,并且您正在尝试在循环中执行parts.get(i).getNumPrice()之类的操作。

You need to use the indexed part in your loop.您需要在循环中使用索引部分。

for(int i=0; i<= parts.size();i++)
   if (parts.get(i).getNumPrice() >= minPrice)

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