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[英]How to display the curve with my two differential equations?

Hello i'm trying to implement the euler explicit method with my code. 您好,我正在尝试用我的代码实现euler显式方法。 Here are my two differential equation. 这是我的两个微分方程。 - dSdt = ps S (1-((R + S)/K)) - (C * S) - dRdt = pr R (1-((R + S)/K)) - (beta S R) -dSdt = ps S (1-(((R + S)/ K))-(C * S)-dRdt = pr R (1-((R + S)/ K))-(beta S R)

How can i display the curve ? 如何显示曲线?

Thank you for your answers. 谢谢您的回答。

h = 0.5
t = np.linspace(0, 35, 35)
def S(t):
    if(t <= 0):
        return S0
        return funcS(t - h) + h * ps*funcS(t - h)*(1-((funcR(t - h) + funcS(t - h))/K)) - (C * funcS(t - h))

def R(t):
    if(t == 0):
        return R0
        return pr*funcR(t - h)*(1-((funcR(t - h) + funcS(t - h))/K)) - (beta*funcS(t - h)*funcR(t - h))

Try this with matplotlib: 尝试使用matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(t, S(t))          # assuming you want to plot S(t)
plt.show()                 # this will display your figure

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