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[英]Calculate correct width and height when resizing a rotated element

I'm creating a selection tool where the user may scale and rotate an HTMLElement using a selection control element. 我正在创建一个选择工具,用户可以在其中使用选择控件元素缩放和旋转HTMLElement。 Rotating the element and scaling it when it's not rotated, works fine. 旋转元素并在不旋转时缩放它,效果很好。 I'm now a bit lost with the math to scale an element which is already rotated. 我现在对使用数学运算来缩放已经旋转的元素有些迷惑。

Here is the simplified code. 这是简化的代码。

// rotating the element
selection.style.transform = "rotate(" + degrees + "deg)";

... ...

// scaling the element
var left = selection.offsetLeft;
var top = selection.offsetTop;
selection.style.width = (e.clientX - left) + "px";
selection.style.height = (e.clientY - top) + "px";

How do I calculate the new width/height when the element is rotated and its new position? 元素旋转时如何计算新的宽度/高度及其新位置?

A full code example would be a bit too long so I've made a fiddle showing the current state and issue. 完整的代码示例可能太长了,因此我摆弄了一下当前状态和问题。

Thanks for any help, link to the necessary math or code example. 感谢您的帮助,链接到必要的数学或代码示例。

Maybe getBoundingClientRect is what you want. 也许getBoundingClientRect是您想要的。

 .rotate { width: 80px; height: 50px; background: blue; transform: rotate(45deg); } 
 <div class="rotate"></div> 

You could also make life easy and just use a scale transformation? 您还可以使生活变得轻松,仅使用比例转换?

Finally I've found a working solution. 终于,我找到了一个可行的解决方案。 The key was to calculate the new center point by getting the current mouse position and the opposite corner. 关键是要通过获取当前鼠标位置和对角来计算新的中心点。 Now I rotate both points back to its unrotated state and get the bounds to use. 现在,我将两个点都旋转回其未旋转状态,并获得了要使用的范围。 The relevant code looks like this: 相关代码如下:

// the current rotation angle in degrees
angle = me.angle;
// the current mouse point (dragging a selection control)
var mousePoint = new Point(e.clientX, e.clientY);
// Get opposite point. Rotate it to get the visual position
var topLeft = new Point(left, top).rotate(center, angle);
// calculate the new center 
var centerPoint = mousePoint.getMiddle(topLeft);
// rotate the opposite point back around the new center
var topLeftRotated = topLeft.rotate(centerPoint, -angle);
// rotate the mouse point around the new center.
var mousePointRotated = mousePoint.rotate(centerPoint, -angle);

// now we have the top left and lower right points and 
// can calculate the dimensions
var x1 = topLeftRotated.x;
var x2 = mousePointRotated.x;
var w = x2-x1;
var y1 = topLeftRotated.y;
var y2 = mousePointRotated.y;
var h = y2-y1;

me.selection.style.width = w + "px";
me.selection.style.height = h + "px";
me.selection.style.left = x1 + "px";
me.selection.style.top = y1 + "px";

See the updated fiddle (Note. This is more a proof of concept and no production ready solution.) 请参阅更新的小提琴 (注意。这更多是概念证明,尚无生产就绪的解决方案。)

I'm open to more elegant solutions. 我愿意接受更优雅的解决方案。

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