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Firebase AdMob 警告:“广告请求成功,但由于缺少广告资源而未返回任何广告”

[英]Firebase AdMob warning: 'the ad request was successful but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory'

I'm trying to integrate firebase admob in my app with react native, everything works with testID of a Banner ('ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716'), and the Banner is displayed correctly.我正在尝试将firebase admob与 react native 集成到我的应用程序中,一切都适用于横幅的testID ('ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716'),并且横幅显示正确。

But when I'm using my bannerID it shows me this warning (' the ad request was successful but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory ') and no ad is displayed.但是,当我使用我的bannerID 时,它会向我显示此警告(“广告请求成功,但由于缺少广告资源而没有返回广告”)并且没有显示任何广告。

So it's not somenthing about my code, but about my AdMob account and I can't solve it.所以这不是关于我的代码,而是关于我的AdMob 帐户,我无法解决它。

Here you can find info about my AdMod account and about my React Native code. 在这里您可以找到有关我的 AdMod 帐户和我的 React Native 代码的信息。

如果您的 AdMob 帐户是新帐户,请等待几个小时,请不要忘记在 AdMob 信息中心填写付款信息。

If your have this error,如果你有这个错误,

no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory由于缺乏广告库存,没有退回广告

then your code is correct.那么你的代码是正确的。 Admob just doesn't have any ads to display for your app (your country, your type of ads are determinants). Admob 没有为您的应用展示任何广告(您所在的国家/地区,您的广告类型是决定因素)。 So just wait for one or two day max .所以最多等一两天。 It will appear automatically.它会自动出现。

You can run your app with test Ad currently.您目前可以使用测试广告运行您的应用程序。 No need to worry不用担心

If you want to contact Admob support here's the link如果您想联系 Admob 支持,请点击此处的链接


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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