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[英]Reading a line from a file and spliting the string

I hope you could answer my question. 我希望你能回答我的问题。 I am new to python so I ask your help. 我是python的新手,所以请您帮忙。 I want to open a file that contains the following lines. 我想打开一个包含以下几行的文件。 I would like to read each line and store every charaster of it as a string to a list. 我想阅读每一行并将其每个字符作为字符串存储到列表中。

A B 2

A E 2

A W 1

B D 5

B W 4

B C 2

B F 3

C F 7

C V 9

D E 1

D J 7

E K 3

F L 2

F M 7

F R 3

F Y 1

G K 8

G J 5

I want to store information about each line like this: [AB 2],[AE 2] will be ['A','B','2'],['A','E','2'] 我想像这样存储有关每行的信息:[AB 2],[AE 2]将是['A','B','2'],['A','E','2']

You can do the following: 您可以执行以下操作:

with open('testfile.txt') as fp:
    content = [elem
               for line in fp.readlines()
               for elem in [line.split()]
               if elem]

This yields 这产生

[['A', 'B', '2'], ['A', 'E', '2'], ['A', 'W', '1'], ['B', 'D', '5'], ['B', 'W', '4'], ['B', 'C', '2'], ['B', 'F', '3'], ['C', 'F', '7'], ['C', 'V', '9'], ['D', 'E', '1'], ['D', 'J', '7'], ['E', 'K', '3'], ['F', 'L', '2'], ['F', 'M', '7'], ['F', 'R', '3'], ['F', 'Y', '1'], ['G', 'K', '8'], ['G', 'J', '5']]

Alternatively, as an explicit loop: 另外,作为一个显式循环:

data = []

with open(filename) as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if line == '':

I compared the proposals in here (3 with list comprehension and another 3 with for loop iteration and appending to a list): 我在这里比较了建议(3个具有列表理解功能,另外3个具有for循环迭代功能并附加到列表中):

def f_jan(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        return [
            for line in f.readlines()
            for elem in [line.split()]
            if elem]

def f_mateen_ulhaq_1(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        return [
            for elem in map(str.rstrip, f)
            if elem]

def f_ralf_1(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        return [
            for line in f
            if line != '\n']

def f_mateen_ulhaq_2(filename):
    data = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.rstrip()
            if line == '':

    return data

def f_mateen_ulhaq_3(filename):
    data = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            if line == '\n':

    return data

def f_ralf_2(filename):
    data = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            if line != '\n':

    return data

I created 2 files, one with 100 lines of the sample input provided in the question, and another file with 100.000 lines of the same input. 我创建了2个文件,一个文件包含问题中提供的100行示例输入,另一个文件包含100.000行相同的输入。

I tested that they all return the same data: 我测试了它们都返回相同的数据:

filename_1 = 'test_100_lines.txt'
assert (f_jan(filename_1)
        == f_mateen_ulhaq_1(filename_1)
        == f_ralf_1(filename_1)
        == f_mateen_ulhaq_2(filename_1)
        == f_mateen_ulhaq_3(filename_1)
        == f_ralf_2(filename_1))

Then, using timeit , I compared the speed (using a smaller number of repetitions for the large text file): 然后,使用timeit ,我比较了速度(对大型文本文件使用较少的重复次数):

for fn, number in[
    ('test_100_lines.txt', 10000),
    ('test_100000_lines.txt', 100),
    for func in [
        t = timeit.timeit('func(fn)', 'from __main__ import fn, func', number=number)
        print('{:25s} {:20s} {:10.4f} seconds'.format(fn, func.__name__, t))

The fastest solution for small and big input is f_ralf_1 (list comprehension without .strip() , just comparing against \\n ): 大小输入的最快解决方案是f_ralf_1 (不带.strip()列表理解,仅与\\n进行比较):

test_100_lines.txt        f_jan                    0.5019 seconds
test_100_lines.txt        f_mateen_ulhaq_1         0.4483 seconds
test_100_lines.txt        f_ralf_1                 0.3657 seconds
test_100_lines.txt        f_mateen_ulhaq_2         0.4523 seconds
test_100_lines.txt        f_mateen_ulhaq_3         0.3854 seconds
test_100_lines.txt        f_ralf_2                 0.3886 seconds

test_100000_lines.txt     f_jan                    3.1178 seconds
test_100000_lines.txt     f_mateen_ulhaq_1         2.6396 seconds
test_100000_lines.txt     f_ralf_1                 1.8084 seconds
test_100000_lines.txt     f_mateen_ulhaq_2         2.7143 seconds
test_100000_lines.txt     f_mateen_ulhaq_3         2.0398 seconds
test_100000_lines.txt     f_ralf_2                 2.0246 seconds

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