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[英]CASE statement: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'no ed is required' to data type int

I have a CASE statement in my code, I want to have a string on the ELSE '' END but get this error: 我的代码中有一个CASE语句,我想在ELSE '' END上有一个字符串,但出现此错误:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'no ed is required' to data type int. 将varchar值“不需要”转换为数据类型int时,转换失败。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

    [Ticket ID],
    [Request Type],
        WHEN [edBuild Date Documented] IS NOT NULL
             AND [edBuild Date Documented] > MAX(maxBuild)  
           THEN (DATEDIFF(DAY, [edBuild Date Documented], MAX(maxVal))) 
           ELSE '' 
     END) AS 'Days took from edBuild to validation/if 0 no edbuild involved'
         CreatedDateTime AS [ticket submitted],
         IncidentID AS [Ticket ID],
             WHEN OwnedbyTeamT = 'xxx' 
                  AND ClosedDateTimeT <> '1899-12-30 00:00:00.000' 
                  AND TitleT LIKE '%ed%Build' 
                  AND (TitleT NOT LIKE '%Dup%') 
                THEN (ClosedDateTimeT) 
                ELSE 'no ed is required' 
          END) AS 'edBuild Date Documented'    
         IncidentID = '2272516 ' OR IncidentID = '2221' OR IncidentID = '21211') AS tt 
    [Ticket ID], [Request Type],
    [MedBuild Date Documented],

is there any way to resolve this error? 有什么办法可以解决此错误?

Thanks 谢谢

You can't mix the datatype .. if the result is varchar then cast the int to varchar too 您不能混合数据类型..如果结果是varchar,则也将int强制转换为varchar

THEN (CAST ClosedDateTimeT  AS VARCHAR) ELSE 'no ed is required' END) AS 'edBuild Date Documented'  

for 对于

THEN cast( (DATEDIFF(DAY, [edBuild Date Documented], MAX(maxVal))) as VARCHAR)  ELSE '' ....

I suggest you to use NULL instead of '' . 我建议您使用NULL而不是'' '' cannot be converted to int implicitly. ''不能隐式转换为int

also if your result type is needed to be int you can use 另外,如果需要将结果类型设置为int ,则可以使用


result is 0 结果是0


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