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将 varchar 值转换为数据类型 int 时,SQL Select Case Conversion 失败

[英]SQL Select Case Conversion failed when converting the varchar value to data type int

With the help of case statement, I would like to get the result as "Non Revenue" in Geodept column where the value is 0在案例陈述的帮助下,我想在值为 0 的 Geodept 列中获得“非收入”的结果

Simple case statement - (gives conversion error)简单的 case 语句 - (给出转换错误)

case when GeoDeptId = 0 then 'Non Revenue' else GeoDeptId end

So tried as below but getting value as 0 again所以尝试如下但再次获得价值为0

convert(int, case when IsNumeric(convert(int, rd.GeoDeptId ))= 0 then convert (varchar(14),'Non Revenue') else rd.GeoDeptId
end ),

So tried as below but getting value as 0 again所以尝试如下但再次获得价值为0

convert(int, case when IsNumeric(convert(int, rd.GeoDeptId ))= 0 then convert (varchar(14),'Non Revenue') else rd.GeoDeptId
end )

Cast the GeoDeptId to text:GeoDeptId为文本:

CASE WHEN GeoDeptId = 0 THEN 'Non Revenue' ELSE CAST(GeoDeptId AS varchar(max)) END

The source of your error is that all branches of a CASE expression must have the same type.错误的根源是CASE表达式的所有分支必须具有相同的类型。 Since it is not possible for 'Non Revenue' to be cast to an integer, therefore we can convert the GeoDeptId to text.由于无法将'Non Revenue'转换为整数,因此我们可以将GeoDeptId转换为文本。


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