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如何为 python 3.6 下载 Anaconda

[英]How can I download Anaconda for python 3.6

I was working on Tensorflow object detection project, for this I am using Anaconda 3 with python 3.7 but I am facing some issues while running object detection demo, I read couple of posts here on stackoverflow and found that it can be solved by using Anaconda with python 3.6 but this version is not available at Anaconda's download page, there are only two versions ie for Python 3.7 and Python 2.7 but I need for Python 3.6.我正在研究 Tensorflow 对象检测项目,为此我将 Anaconda 3 与 python 3.7 一起使用,但在运行对象检测演示时遇到了一些问题,我在 stackoverflow 上阅读了几篇文章,发现它可以通过使用 Anaconda 来解决python 3.6 但此版本在 Anaconda 的下载页面上不可用,只有两个版本,即 Python 3.7 和 Python 2.7,但我需要 Python 3.6。

Any help would be great.任何帮助都会很棒。

As suggested here , with an installation of the last anaconda you can create an environment just like Cleb explained or downgrade python :正如这里所建议的,通过安装最后一个 anaconda,您可以创建一个环境,就像 Cleb 解释的那样或降级 python:

conda install python=3.6.0

With this second solution, you may encounter some incompatibility issues with other packages.使用第二种解决方案,您可能会遇到一些与其他软件包不兼容的问题。 I tested it myself and did not encounter any issue but I guess it depends on the packages you installed.我自己测试过,没有遇到任何问题,但我想这取决于您安装的软件包。

If you don't want to handle environments or face incompatibilities issues, you can download any Anaconda version here: https://repo.continuum.io/archive/ .如果您不想处理环境或面临不兼容问题,您可以在此处下载任何 Anaconda 版本: https : //repo.continuum.io/archive/ For example, Anaconda3-5.1.0-XXX or Anaconda3-5.2.0-XXX provides python 3.6 (the suffix XXX depends on your OS).例如,Anaconda3-5.1.0-XXX 或 Anaconda3-5.2.0-XXX 提供了 python 3.6(后缀 XXX 取决于您的操作系统)。

To know which python is provided in an anaconda package, you can visit the Release notes page .要了解 anaconda 包中提供了哪个 python,您可以访问发行说明页面 It provides the updates for the all anaconda versions.它提供所有 anaconda 版本的更新。 Find yours and look for the line找到你的并寻找线路

python ABC -> XYZ蟒蛇ABC - > XYZ

where ABC is the previous version and XYZ is the updated python version.其中 ABC 是以前的版本,XYZ 是更新的 python 版本。

This link has history version about Anaconda, you could download from this website.这个链接有关于 Anaconda 的历史版本,你可以从这个网站下载。

At version 5.3.0 python 3.6 support was dropped...在 5.3.0 版本中,python 3.6 支持被删除了...

Anaconda 5.3.0 (Sept 28, 2018) Anaconda 5.3.0(2018 年 9 月 28 日)

User-facing changes面向用户的变化

The Anaconda3 installers ship with python 3.7 instead of python 3.6 Anaconda3 安装程序随附 python 3.7 而不是 python 3.6

python 3.6.5 -> 3.7.0蟒蛇 3.6.5 -> 3.7.0

https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#anaconda-5-3-0-sept-28-2018 https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#anaconda-5-3-0-sept-28-2018

The last version released with a python3.6 variant was version 5.2.0使用 python3.6 变体发布的最后一个版本是 5.2.0

Anaconda 5.2.0 (May 30, 2018) Anaconda 5.2.0(2018 年 5 月 30 日)

python 3.6.4 -> 3.6.5蟒蛇 3.6.4 -> 3.6.5

https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#anaconda-5-2-0-may-30-2018 https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/#anaconda-5-2-0-may-30-2018

The links to this latest version are...此最新版本的链接是...

You can download the 3.7 version and then use您可以下载3.7版本然后使用

conda create -n mygreatenvironment python=3.6 <add other packages here>

and then:进而:

conda activate mygreatenvironment

This environment will use Python 3.6.此环境将使用 Python 3.6。

Following this answer , this solution is working for me on windows 10,按照这个答案,这个解决方案在 Windows 10 上对我有用,

From the anaconda prompt :从 anaconda 提示:

  1. Create a custom environnement and specify the repository channel to find the version (in my case 3.6.5)创建自定义环境并指定存储库通道以查找版本(在我的情况下为 3.6.5)
    conda create --name py365 python=3.6.5 --channel conda-forge
  1. Activate the new environment激活新环境
    conda activate py365

But the activation won't be permanent, you will need to activate each time you start the anaconda prompt但是激活不是永久的,每次启动anaconda提示时都需要激活

  1. Create a shortcut to Anaconda prompt with your choosen environment使用您选择的环境创建 Anaconda 提示的快捷方式

In order to activate permanently your custom environment, you can create a anaconda prompt shortcut which new target.为了永久激活您的自定义环境,您可以创建一个 anaconda 提示快捷方式是哪个新目标。 Go to

C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)

And Copy and rename the file Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda3) to Anaconda 3.6.5 .并将文件Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda3)复制并重命名为Anaconda 3.6.5 Then right-click on the new file and click on "Properties".然后右键单击新文件并单击“属性”。

Then change the target :然后改变目标:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\Users\Your_Name\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\Users\Your_Name\Anaconda3


%windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\Users\Your_Name\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\Users\Your_Name\Anaconda3\envs\py365

(be aware to change "Your_Name" by your "real" name ) (请注意将“Your_Name”更改为您的“真实”姓名)

Finally, if you go to your Windows Start menu, you will see your new shortcut "Anaconda 3.6.5" which launch the Anaconda Prompt with your choosen environment !最后,如果您转到 Windows 开始菜单,您将看到您的新快捷方式“Anaconda 3.6.5”,它使用您选择的环境启动 Anaconda Prompt!

You can download anaconda from the archives.您可以从档案中下载 anaconda。

The path I followed was: Anaconda Documentation>Anaconda Distribution>Installation-(in page)System Requirements> archive我遵循的路径是:Anaconda Documentation>Anaconda Distribution>Installation-(in page)System Requirements> archive

I was looking for installation instructions on my CentOS machine when I stumbled upon the question.当我偶然发现这个问题时,我正在我的 CentOS 机器上寻找安装说明。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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