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[英]Why does CGFloat casted from Float not exhibit CGFloat behavior?

I have this simple example where I try to draw a circle. 我有一个简单的示例,尝试绘制一个圆。 This code below does not give me a circle. 下面的这段代码不会给我一个圆圈。

import UIKit

class PlayingCardView: UIView {

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(){

            context.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, 
                           y: bounds.midY), radius: 100.0, 
                           startAngle: 0, 
                           endAngle: CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi), 
                           clockwise: true)


This is what I get with the above code: 就是上面的代码:

with output: 输出:

6.283185307179586 6.283185005187988

from the print statements which correspond to 2.0*CGFloat.pi and CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi) respectively. 从分别对应于2.0*CGFloat.piCGFloat(2.0*Float.pi)的打印语句中。

Updating the code to this (I only change the endAngle in context.addArc to be 2.0*CGFloat.pi instead of CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi) 将代码更新为此(我仅将context.addArc的endAngle更改为2.0*CGFloat.pi而不是CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi)

import UIKit

class PlayingCardView: UIView {

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(){

            context.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, 
                           y: bounds.midY), radius: 100.0, 
                           startAngle: 0, 
                           endAngle: 2.0*CGFloat.pi, 
                           clockwise: true)


I get this drawing (The circle is there) 我得到了这张 (圆圈在那里)

There is obviously a difference between the casted CGFloat from Float and CGFloat. 从Float铸造的CGFloat与CGFloat之间显然存在差异。 Does anybody know what it is and why this behavior is useful in Swift? 有人知道它是什么,为什么这种行为在Swift中有用吗?

On a 64-bit platform, CGFloat is (essentially) Double , a 64-bit floating point number, whereas Float is a 32-bit floating point number. 在64位平台上, CGFloat (本质上)是Double (64位浮点数),而Float是32位浮点数。

So 2.0*Float.pi is “2π with 32-bit precision”, and converting that to the 64-bit quantity CGFloat preserves the value, without increasing the precision. 因此2.0*Float.pi为“具有32位精度的2π”,并将其转换为64位量CGFloat保留该值,而不会提高精度。

That is why 2.0*CGFloat.pi != CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi) . 这就是为什么2.0*CGFloat.pi != CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi) The former is “2π with 64-bit precision”, and is what you should pass to the drawing functions. 前者是“具有64位精度的2π”,是传递给绘图函数的内容。

In your particular case, CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi) is a tiny bit smaller than 2.0*CGFloat.pi , so that only an invisibly short arc is drawn (from radians 0.0 to approximately -0.00000003). 在您的特定情况下, CGFloat(2.0*Float.pi)2.0*CGFloat.pi小一点,因此只绘制了一个看不见的短弧(从弧度0.0到大约-0.00000003)。

For a full circle you can alternatively use 对于完整的圈子,您也可以使用

let radius: CGFloat = 100.0
context.addEllipse(in: CGRect(x: bounds.midX - radius, y: bounds.midY - radius,
                              width: 2.0 * radius, height: 2.0 * radius))

and avoid all rounding problems. 并避免所有舍入问题。

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