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[英]How can I include all the coordinates in the MapBox by adjusting the zoom level?

The code I have used is: 我使用的代码是:

let bounds = MGLCoordinateBounds(
    sw: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.7115, longitude: 10.3725),
    ne: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.7318, longitude: 10.4222))
    mapView.setVisibleCoordinateBounds(bounds, animated: false)

I have 3 annotation and I want to see the 3 annotaion in the mapBox by adjusting the zoom level. 我有3个注释,我想通过调整缩放级别在mapBox中看到3个注释。 Please help me to find it out. 请帮我找出来。

There is method on MGLMapView that you can use: 您可以使用MGLMapView上的方法:

func showAllAnnotations() {
    guard let annotations = mapView.annotations else { return }

    // Either this...
    mapView.showAnnotations(annotations, edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 40, left: 35, bottom: 35, right: 35), animated: true)
    // or this.
    mapView.showAnnotations(annotations, animated: true)

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