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[英]iOS screen recording - enable Safari audio?

I'm making screen recordings of an in-house web app, using iOS Safari and the built-in iOS screen recorder. 我正在使用iOS Safari和内置的iOS屏幕录像机来录制内部Web应用程序的屏幕录像。 No audio is recorded. 没有录音。 If I enable microphone recording, the audio is recorded but poorly and mixed with room sound (likely recording the device's speaker). 如果启用了麦克风录制功能,则录制的音频会录制得很差,但会混入室内声音(可能会录制设备的扬声器)。 The same is true of native apps with WKWebViews. 具有WKWebViews的本机应用程序也是如此。

I'm curious what's happening here. 我很好奇这里发生了什么。 Is Safari/Webkit actively blocking audio recording? Safari / Webkit是否正在主动阻止音频录制? Is there a Javascript or Webkit instruction to enable audio recording? 是否有Javascript或Webkit指令来启用录音?

Note that I'm not trying to get around any protection from recording commercial videos, just sounds generated from my own site/app, in order to make promotional videos. 请注意,为了制作促销视频,我不会试图从录制商业视频中获得任何保护,而只是从我自己的网站/应用程序中生成的声音。 So changes made within my app or web site are fine. 因此,在我的应用程序或网站中进行的更改就可以了。


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