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[英]Moving window on the screen

Is there any shortcuts to move/drag the window(box) on the screen when the window is not maximized without changing its dimension?当窗口未最大化而不改变其尺寸时,是否有任何快捷方式可以在屏幕上移动/拖动窗口(框)? Say I want to drag the vim/emacs editor window to the left side/middle/right side of my screen so it doesn't cover the cmd window.假设我想将 vim/emacs 编辑器窗口拖到屏幕的左侧/中间/右侧,这样它就不会覆盖 cmd 窗口。

With library frame-cmds.el you have commands to move the selected frame around.使用库frame-cmds.el您可以使用命令来移动选定的框架。 Bind them to repeatable keys (just hold the key pressed).将它们绑定到可重复的键(只需按住键)。

  • move-frame-left - suggested binding: M-<left> . move-frame-left - 建议绑定: M-<left>
  • move-frame-right - suggested binding: M-<right> . move-frame-right - 建议绑定: M-<right>
  • move-frame-up - suggested binding: M-<up> . move-frame-up - 建议绑定: M-<up>
  • move-frame-down - suggested binding: <M-down> . move-frame-down - 建议绑定: <M-down>

Option move-frame-wrap-within-display-flag non- nil means wrap frame movements within the display.选项move-frame-wrap-within-display-flagnil表示在显示中环绕帧移动。

If you're using vim/etc on a Windows machine, the windows key + a directional arrow should help.如果您在 Windows 机器上使用 vim/etc,则 windows 键 + 方向箭头应该会有所帮助。 I'm not sure if the machine is running Linux or macOS as its primary OS.我不确定这台机器是运行 Linux 还是 macOS 作为其主要操作系统。

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