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[英]How do you get rid of superfluous casts to implemented interface?

Let's say I have an interface 假设我有一个界面

public interface ICardSuit {
    /**short name*/
    public String getName();

    /** the colour of this card*/
    public ICardColour getColour();

that I decide to implement with an enum: 我决定用一个枚举实现:

public enum  CardSuit implements ICardSuit {
        public ICardColour getColour() {
            return CardColour.RED;
        public ICardColour getColour() {
            return CardColour.BLACK;
        public ICardColour getColour() {
            return CardColour.RED;
    CLUBS {
        public ICardColour getColour() {
            return CardColour.BLACK;

    public String getName() {
        return this.name();

I now want to test it (using kotlintest because I'm developing a fondness for it): 现在,我想对其进行测试(使用kotlintest,因为我对此很喜欢):

class CardSuitTest : FunSpec(){
    init {
        test("there are exactly four suits"){CardSuit.values().size shouldBe 4}
        test("suits implement interface"){CardSuit.values().forEach { it shouldBe instanceOf(ICardSuit::class) }}
        test("suits have correct names"){
            val suits = CardSuit.values() as Array<out ICardSuit>
            suits.forEach { when(it.name){
                "HEART" -> it should beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.HEART as ICardSuit)
                "SPADE" -> it should beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.SPADE as ICardSuit)
                "DIAMOND" -> it should beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.DIAMOND as ICardSuit)
                "CLUBS" -> it should beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.CLUBS as ICardSuit)
            } }
        test("suits have correct colours"){
            CardSuit.values().forEach { when(it){
                CardSuit.HEART,CardSuit.DIAMOND -> it.colour shouldBe CardColour.RED
                CardSuit.CLUBS, CardSuit.SPADE -> it.colour shouldBe CardColour.BLACK
            } }

where I need to cast to ICardSuit because if I do not, the compiler complains that 我需要转换为ICardSuit因为如果我不这样做,编译器会抱怨

None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied.

* T.should(Matcher<T>)   where T cannot be inferred for    infix fun <T> T.should(matcher: Matcher<T>): Unit defined in io.kotlintest.matchers

* ICardSuit.should((ICardSuit) → Unit)   where T = ICardSuit for    infix fun <T> T.should(matcher: (T) → Unit): Unit defined in io.kotlintest.matchers

I want to keep the as Array<out ICardSuit> because it's the easiest way to make sure I only access interface properties, 我想保留as Array<out ICardSuit>因为这是确保我仅访问接口属性的最简单方法,

but I'm really not fond of having to cast the instances I'm testing for. 但是我真的不喜欢强制转换要测试的实例。

Is there anything I can do about it? 有什么我可以做的吗?

Is there a specific reason you need to use the matcher beSameInstanceAs ? 您是否需要使用匹配器beSameInstanceAs的特定原因?

You can do something like: 您可以执行以下操作:

val suits = CardSuit.values() as Array<out ICardSuite>

suits.forEach {
    when (it.name) {
        "HEART" -> it shouldBe CardSuit.HEART
        "SPADE" -> it shouldBe CardSuit.SPADE

However, if you really want to use beSameInstanceAs , you can: 但是,如果您确实要使用beSameInstanceAs ,则可以:

suits.forEach {
    when(it.name) {
       "HEART" -> it shouldBeSameInstanceAs CardSuit.HEART
       "SPADE" -> it shouldBeSameInstanceAs CardSuit.SPADE

I'm not really getting any complaints from the compiler here 我在这里并没有收到编译器的任何投诉

beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.HEART) returns a Matcher<CardSuit> , so it can't match an arbitrary ICardSuit . beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.HEART)返回Matcher<CardSuit> ,因此它不能匹配任意ICardSuit That makes sense (though Matcher could be contra -variant, you'd need covariance here). 这是有道理的(尽管Matcher可能是变数的,在这里您需要协变)。 But you can: 但是你可以:

  1. Call explicitly beTheSameInstanceAs<ICardSuit>(CardSuit.HEART) . 明确调用beTheSameInstanceAs<ICardSuit>(CardSuit.HEART)

  2. Create a helper function 创建一个辅助函数

     inline fun <T1, reified T2 : T1> Matcher<T2>.widen() = object : Matcher<T1>() { override fun test(value: T1) = if (value is T2) this.test(value) else Result(false, "$value is not a ${T2::class.name}", "$value is a ${T2::class.name}") } 

    and call 并打电话

     it should beTheSameInstanceAs(CardSuit.HEART).widen() 

    (I think type inference should work here). (我认为类型推断应该在这里起作用)。

  3. Because beTheSameInstanceAs(x) really can match anything, declare an equivalent function which returns a Matcher<Any> : 因为beTheSameInstanceAs(x)实际上可以匹配任何东西,所以声明一个等效函数,该函数返回Matcher<Any>

     fun beTheSameInstanceAsAny(x: Any) = beTheSameInstanceAs(x) // usage "HEART" -> it should beTheSameInstanceAsAny(CardSuit.HEART) 

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