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[英]Why is any() so much faster than in?

https://repl.it/@ArmanTavakoli/List-Comprehension-vs-Any https://repl.it/@ArmanTavakoli/List-Comprehension-vs-Any

Why is my any check so much faster than my in check when they are essentially doing the same thing? 为什么我的any检查,因此速度远远超过我in办理入住手续时,他们基本上做同样的事情?

from timeit import default_timer as timer
import random

input = [random.randint(0, 100) for x in range(0, 1000000)]

def any_check(input):
  return any(i == 1 for i in input)

def list_comprehension(input):
  return 1 in [num for num in input]

first_start = timer()
first_end = timer()
print('any_check', first_end - first_start)

second_start = timer()
second_end = timer()
print('list_comprehension', second_end - second_start)

Results of running the functions 3 times each. 每个函数运行3次的结果。

# Calculated with 3 runs each
# Ratio is list_comprehension:any_check

# 10,000 - Mean Ratio: 17.87
# Example run;
# any_check 1.5022000297904015e-05
# list_comprehension 0.00038980199315119535

# 100,000 - Mean Ratio: 140.76
# any_check 2.020499960053712e-05
# list_comprehension 0.0035961729954578914

# 1,000,000 - Mean Ratio: 3379.81
# any_check 2.2904998331796378e-05
# list_comprehension 0.08528400499926647

As several people pointed out in comments, the reason your function doing an in test is slower than the version using any is because that function also includes an unnecessary list comprehension that needs to iterate over the whole input before the in operator can begin looking for a match. 正如一些人在评论中指出的那样,您的函数in测试中比使用any函数的版本慢的原因是,该函数包括不必要的列表理解,需要对整个输入进行迭代,然后in运算符才能开始查找比赛。 When run on lists, both in and any can short circuit, quitting early if a matching value is found early in the search. 在列表上运行时, inany都可能短路,如果在搜索的早期找到匹配的值,则尽早退出。 But the list comprehension in your second function always iterates over the whole input even if there was a 1 right at the start. 但是,即使开始时有一个1 ,在第二个函数中的列表理解总是会遍历整个输入。

If you replaced 1 in [num for num in input] with 1 in input , you'd see performance as good or better than in your function using any . 如果用1 in [num for num in input]代替1 in [num for num in input]中的1 in input与使用any相比,您会发现性能好于或好于函数。 Performance would be fairly similar if input was a list, but might be much faster for other container types (such as set s and range s). 如果input是列表,性能将非常相似,但对于其他容器类型(例如setrange )可能会更快。

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